Enron Mail

To:m..grace@enron.com, michael.jacobson@enron.com
Subject:FW: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow
Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:30:39 -0700 (PDT)

For September 28th, we have sold a financial swap to Frontera for hours ending 7- 11. We bill them $20, Enpower #794481, for various hours.
I will take the floating imbalance price for the following megawatt totals :

he7 - 310 mw's
he8 - 310
he 9- 240
he10 - 140
he 11 - 60

Frontera will be running a resource imbalance for these hours. (see imbal. # 794516). I should be allocated the imbalance charges as listed above and Frontera is responsible for any remaining imbalance for this day..
This is a financial swap that we will be offering our customers and I need your feedback on any requirements that you have in settling this product.


-----Original Message-----
From: Forney, John M.
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 2:45 PM
To: Kenneth Parker (E-mail); May, Tom
Cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug
Subject: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow

As discussed earlier, I am proposing ramping up late for the onpeak sale that Frontera made for tomorrow. If we must sell the offpeak hours required to affect a 340 mw onpeak schedule, I show that we would almost negate all profit from the sale.

I am suggesting starting your ramp beginning hour ending 7 and purchasing a fixed price swap from Enron for the short generation. Basically, you sold the preschedule for $21 and we would fix your price for hours ending 7-11 at $20.

The benefit in this swap would be:
hedge against floating price
lock in $1 profit on sale for short portion of the schedule, increasing revenues
avoid losing approximately $10k on selling ramping schedule - $4 is an optimistic real time sales price at this point, however, I used this in the analysis.

Please let me know what you think. Enron will be offically rolling this swap product out to all of our service customers.
I think this would be a good fit your company and I would like to try this for Friday's run.

Additionally, I think that there may be a good down balancing or OOM down opportunity for tomorrow because of this preschedule.

Let me know what you think,
