Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Regulatory Updates
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 13:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

best wishes to you and your daughter.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Twiggs, Thane =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:59 AM
To:=09Curry, Mike; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Jester, Larry; Day, Smith L.; Forne=
y, John M.
Subject:=09Regulatory Updates

I received a voice mail from Mike Curry, asking if I was still an Enron Emp=
loyee and what had happened to the regulatory reports that I used to send. =
Here are the answers. Yes, I am still an Enron employee. As for the repor=
ts, I have been negligent in sending then around over the past few weeks. =
The meeting schedule has increased at ERCOT and due to the high congestion =
costs a Congestion Management working group has been formed to address, the=
move to the full zonal model, auction of TCR products, local congestion is=
sues etc. I have been asked to chair the working group which has taken mor=
e time. Finally, I have had an ill daughter and they have been running tes=
ts to diagnose the cause of the problem, therefore, I have been traveling b=
ack and forth to and from Austin on a daily basis. All of this has cut int=
o the time that I used to write the reports and have tried to contact the p=
arties directly when an issue arose. However, I understand the need to dis=
seminate the regulatory information and will resume the summaries forthwith=
. You should expect to get a summary of the last weeks activities this p.m=