Enron Mail

To:julie.mccoy@enron.com, steve.klimesh@enron.com, gary.sova@enron.com,rob.wilson@enron.com, lon.stanton@enron.com, david.marye@enron.com, courtney.barker@enron.com, sarabeth.smith@enron.com, danny.mccarty@enron.com, john.goodpasture@enron.com, michael
Subject:Article on Skilling's Speech at the AA Energy Conference
Date:Thu, 30 Nov 2000 03:12:00 -0800 (PST)

Drive to Succeed: Enron Prefers Toyota to GM

To prosper in the new energy economy, Enron COO Jeffrey K. Skilling says oil
and gas companies need to trash their traditional business models and instead
reshape themselves to resemble Toyota when it captured the imagination and
pocketbook of U.S. consumers 30 years ago.

In a somewhat back-to-the-future treatise on how Enron expects to continue
its monumental success, Skilling told Arthur Andersen Energy Conference
attendees to define themselves not by their industry, but rather by their
skills base. Toyota changed the U.S. auto industry by outsourcing its
production, offering customers exactly what they wanted cheaper and faster.
The energy industry has to do the same thing into the future, he told the
Houston audience.

"In 1982, the energy industry was a very rigid industry," he said, pointing
to a similar business model that had been used by General Motors and Ford
Motor Co. Those companies did every bit of the manufacturing process, keeping
all of its pieces within the corporate structure. Then Toyota turned things
upside down.

When a customer wanted a different radio, Toyota relied on outside producers.
It didn't stop the production line to please the customer. And it was able to
do it faster. Enron has used the same model to shape its achievements,
packaging components for customers to save time and money. Other energy
companies are now adopting that method.

In many ways, Skilling said Enron views itself as the Toyota of the energy
industry. "We don't feel we have to provide all components, but package them
the way the customer wants them. This is a pervasive trend we are seeing all
over the industry."

Enron, which has had a shareholder return of 1,333% in 10 years (January 1990
to November 2000), saw the changes required by new technology and
deregulation and redefined its core competencies, which grew from its
pipeline business. Skilling said to remain successful, the Houston-based
corporation plans to continue to morph.

"It all hinges on one good idea Enron had in the 1980s, that vertically
integrated structures had dominated our industry and the structures were
starting to break up. In the energy industry, the reason was deregulation.
Fundamentally, this is a better business structure for two reasons: you can
be supplied with cheaper cost components and it allows you to change much
more quickly."

Instead of bigger energy companies, Skilling said he expects to see many
smaller companies, "maybe thousands tied together electronically and
vertically." The transformation and interaction costs are "collapsing across
the economy." As an example of interaction costs, Skilling used bank tellers.
In 1985, it cost a bank $1.50 a transaction. To bank on the Internet today,
it costs a bank less than a penny.

This drop in interaction costs is a major reason Enron finds the bandwidth
market so attractive. In 1995, the length of time to provision bandwidth was
six to eight months. Today, it's two to three months. And next year, Skilling
predicts it will take one second.

"We will have bandwidth on demand by next year," he said, and added that
Enron plans to be the leader in the field.

Similarly, long-term gas contracts in 1982 took two to three years to
execute. In 1989, they took nine months. Three years ago, they took two weeks
to execute. Today, using EnronOnline and other similar Internet trading
systems, it takes less than one second.

"All of the sudden the world has changed. We have the same manufacture cost,
but interactive costs collapse. I think that because of this, we'll see the
collapse and demise of integrated energy companies around the world,"
Skilling said.

To survive, Skilling advised companies to "virtually reintegrate" what they
need. "If you have an old vertically integrated mind set, it's tough. Give it
up. I know there are still power producers who are buying gas reserves. I
don't get it. It makes no sense whatsoever. You can get it online at the
lowest cost. If your business strategy is dependent on this, it will be a
very hard row to hoe."

Each stage of production will become increasingly competitive in the next 10
years, predicted the Enron president. "You're not just competing against
three people in West Texas, but thousands around the world."

Opportunities exist, he said, for those companies that "go with the flow and
find ways to compete. Create low cost, dependable market interfaces...provide
packaged turnkey solutions for customers through complex structures,
differentiation and customization."

The only threat is from the old way of doing business, he said. "But there is
tremendous opportunity to do things for customer you've never been able to
do." He suggested a "new" energy model based on brainpower, networking,
offering real options to customers, moving quickly and being entrepreneurial.

"At Enron, this has been the whole premise: to be able to change by
responding and reacting to the environment. By getting components together
and packaging them for the customer."