Enron Mail

To:julie.mccoy@enron.com, steve.klimesh@enron.com, gary.sova@enron.com,rob.wilson@enron.com, lon.stanton@enron.com, david.marye@enron.com, courtney.barker@enron.com, sarabeth.smith@enron.com, keith.petersen@enron.com, michele.winckowski@enron.com, donn
Subject:Delayed Sticker Shock: Managing the Surge in Residential Natural
Date:Tue, 21 Nov 2000 07:28:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Lorna Brennan
X-To: Julie McCoy, Steve Klimesh, Gary Sova, Rob Wilson, Lon Stanton, David Marye, Courtney Barker, Sarabeth Smith, Keith Petersen, Michele Winckowski, Donna Martens, Josie Call, Bret Fritch, Donald Vignaroli, Danny McCarty, Roger Westfall, Steve Thomas, Doug Aschwege, Judy Beck, Ken Anderson, Bryan Reinecke, Robert L Johnson, Carolyn DesCoteaux, Becki Sans Souci, Gary Choquette, LD Stephens, John Goodpasture, Michael Ratner, Sebastian Corbacho, Yuan Tian, Rockey Storie, Kent Miller, John Dushinske, Dave Neubauer, Bill Fowler, Michael Bodnar, Joni Bollinger, David Badura, Janet Bowers, Craig Buehler, Bob Burleson, Allen Cohrs, John Fiscus, Steve Gilbert, Morgan Gottsponer, Stephen Herber, Dana Jones, Stephanie Korbelik, Bill Mangels, Penny McCarran, Vernon Mercaldo, Larry Pavlou, Eileen Peebles, Tony Perry, Loren Penkava, Ken Powers, Chris Sebesta, Frank Semin, Neal Shaw, Larry Swett, Kay Threet, Mike Ullom, Lisa Valley, Chuck Wilkinson, Jim Wiltfong, Jo Williams, Karen Lagerstrom, Bob Stevens, Sue Neville, Mike Barry, Martha Janousek, Kimberly Watson, Don Powell, Steve Weller, Michael G Stage, Tim Johanson, Laura Lantefield, Frank Oldenhuis, Jeff Nielsen, Robert Mason, Sean Bolks, Miriam Martinez, Lee Ferrell, John Williams, Reyna Cabrera, Theresa Branney, Lynn Blair, Rick Dietz, Steven January, Sheila Nacey, Donna Scott, Mary Kay Miller, Michel Nelson, Mike McGowan, Julia White, Drew Fossum, Dari Dornan, Maria Pavlou, Jim Talcott, Glen Hass, Mary Darveaux, Rita Bianchi, Ranelle Paladino, Patrick Brennan, Tim Kissner, Shelley Corman, Steven Harris, Jeffery Fawcett, Lorraine Lindberg, Kevin Hyatt, Christine Stokes, TK Lohman, Michelle Lokay, Lindy Donoho, Lee Huber, Susan Scott
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Note: CERA is now saying that prices are going to remain at high levels
through 2003.

---------------------- Forwarded by Lorna Brennan/ET&S/Enron on 11/21/2000
03:21 PM ---------------------------

webmaster@cera.com on 11/20/2000 09:04:21 PM
To: Lorna.Brennan@enron.com

Subject: Delayed Sticker Shock: Managing the Surge in Residential Natural Gas
Costs This Winter - CERA Decision Brief

CERA Decision Brief: Sent Mon, November 20, 2000

Title: Delayed Sticker Shock: Managing the Surge in Residential Natural Gas
Costs This Winter
Author: Sanderson, Robinson, Behrens
E-Mail Category: Decision Brief
Product Line: North American Gas ,
URL: http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/eprofile.cfm?u=5526&;m=1421 ,

Alternative URL:

Residential costs for gas will rise this winter as the wholesale cost of
natural gas has doubled since last year. Local distribution companies
will feel opposing pressures of reducing the impact on customers,
while recouping their costs.

* This is not a one-year phenomenon. Wholesale prices are expected
to remain high through 2003.

* Rising gas prices were previously overshadowed by high heating
oil costs, but the spotlight will soon turn to gas as residential prices
could rise by 50 percent or more.


Follow URL for compete report.

CERA's Autumn 2000 Roundtable event dates and agendas are now available at

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