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Enron Mail |
What's up? Did Rick fire you? Or does he work for you now? DF
---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 10/12/2000=20 03:17 PM --------------------------- Shelley Corman 10/12/2000 01:13 PM To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Danny=20 McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Drew=20 Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Robert Kilmer/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Dorothy=20 McCoppin/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Michael Moran/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ray=20 Neppl/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Janet Place/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, John=20 Shafer/OTS/Enron@Enron, David L Johnson/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Phil=20 Lowry/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Nancy Bagot/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Janet=20 Butler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: =20 Subject: Government Affairs Organizational Changes FYI: Attached is a memo from Rick Shapiro outlining organizational changes= =20 in the Government Affairs group, most significantly the appointment of a ne= w=20 head of the Washington office. This is a great time to be at Enron. The challenges and opportunities at=20 Enron seem to be expanding with every passing day. This presents enormous= =20 challenges for Government Affairs as a group and for each of us=20 individually. As we discussed at the staff meeting last month, this requir= es=20 us to constantly reevaluate our priorities, our methods of getting things= =20 done, and whether our organization is properly structured to meet the needs= =20 of the entire company. While we have done an outstanding job as a group=20 within our current structure, changes are necessary at this time. The primary change in the organizational structure is to complete the=20 assignments for and reinforce the leadership roles of the individuals withi= n=20 the group who have primary responsibility for setting the Government Affair= s=20 strategy and agenda for the respective Enron operating companies. The belo= w=20 mentioned individuals will have the following responsibilities: 1. Enron North America and Enron Industrial Markets: Jim Steffes 2. The Enron Energy Services Group of Companies: Harry Kingerski 3. Enron Broadband Services: Sue Nord 4. Enron Global Markets and Enron Networks: Lisa Yoho 5. Enron South America: Jose Bestard 6. Federal Government Affairs: Linda Robertson With the impending retirement on March 31, 2001 of Joe Hillings, I am pleas= ed=20 to announce that Linda Robertson will be joining the office on November 6,= =20 2000, as a Vice President who will immediately assume responsibility for=20 leading the Federal Government Affairs group in our Washington office. Lin= da=20 was a Congressional staffer and partner/principal in two Washington law fir= ms=20 prior to spending the last eight years with the U.S. Department of Treasury= ,=20 the last five as Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs and Public=20 Liaison, for Secretaries Rubin & Summers. Linda brings a terrific=20 background, both in energy and financial services, and is a welcome additio= n=20 to our team. In order to more effectively integrate the Government Affairs= =20 groups and strategy in Washington, the Federal Regulatory Affairs group und= er=20 Joe Hartsoe=01,s direction will also report to Linda. Joe Hartsoe will als= o=20 retain primary responsibility for NERC activities, although Charles Yeung a= nd=20 Dick Ingersoll will have a dotted line reporting relationship to Jim Steffe= s=20 in his capacity of directing our activities for ENA. Ray Alvarez will be= =20 transferring from his current role with Transredes in Bolivia during the 1s= t=20 quarter of 2001 and will join the Federal Regulatory Affairs group, reporti= ng=20 to Joe Hartsoe. On a personal note, I would like to acknowledge the significant contributio= ns=20 that Joe Hillings has made to this company in his eighteen years of service= . =20 Joe=01,s work ethic, intellect, and integrity have established Enron as a= =20 company that is respected throughout Washington. I will have more to say= =20 about this as Joe=01,s retirement draws closer, but I look to him to be a v= ital=20 part of the leadership transition in our Washington office that will occur= =20 over the next days and weeks. I will be relying heavily on the above-identified six individuals to ensure= =20 that Government Affairs is firmly embedded within each of our operating=20 companies; that we as a group thoroughly understand their current business= =20 strategies as well as new directions they may be taking in the future; and,= =20 most importantly, to thoroughly understand how our organization can=20 contribute and add value to each of these companies on a continuing basis. = =20 Communicating that understanding on a regular basis to the rest of the=20 Government Affairs organization and developing a Government Affairs wide=20 execution strategy will be a key objective for each of these individuals. In order to ensure the success of these individuals and the Government=20 Affairs organization; the following changes are being made. In addition to his leadership role with Government Affairs on behalf of the= =20 EES group of companies, Harry Kingerski will continue to head up the=20 rates/regulatory group, now renamed Government Affairs Support Services. = =20 This group will continue to provide valuable technical support services=20 throughout Government Affairs and will be expanding its scope of expertise= =20 over the next months to some of the new markets that the company has and wi= ll=20 soon be entering. Nancy Hetrick and Vinio Floris will join this organizati= on=20 and report to Harry. Jeff Brown, Tom Delaney, Mary Hain, Ron McNamara, Christi Nicolay, Thane=20 Twiggs, and Steve Walton will now report to Jim Steffes in his role=20 supporting Enron North America and Enron Industrial Markets. Alberto Levy= =20 will be relocating from our Caracas, Venezuela office and will also report = to=20 Jim. A couple of special mentions: Jeff Brown has done an outstanding job= =20 in leading the CUBR (Coalition for Uniform Business Rules) process over the= =20 last year and his current leadership of the Midwest ISO and Alliance RTO=20 efforts for Enron will be critical to the development of well functioning= =20 wholesale electric markets in the U.S. It is also my hope that Steve Walto= n=20 will play an increased leadership role across North America on wholesale=20 electric market issues. The incredible knowledge that Steve Walton possess= es=20 of the electric industry, coupled with his industry-wide credibility, will= =20 provide much needed support to our wholesale electric market reform efforts= =20 across North America. Tom Hoatson will now report to Steve Montovano in his new role in supportin= g=20 the company=01,s efforts at PJM. Tom will also continue to be an=20 organization-wide resource on technical issues regarding generation=20 interconnection and distributed generation. Kathleen Sullivan has recently= =20 joined Steve=01,s group from Azurix and will be primarily assisting Howard= =20 Fromer in New York. Sue Nord will head up the group that supports EBS. Scott Bolton and Donald= =20 Lassere, while reporting to Sue, will continue to provide leadership on=20 telecommunications issues. Scott and Donald have done outstanding work and= =20 will continue to be integral to our efforts in this area. Finally, the Resource Commitment Review (RCR) process, beginning 1/1/01, wi= ll=20 be extended to all of Government Affairs in North America, including Federa= l=20 Government Affairs and Mexico. The RCR Committee, beginning immediately,= =20 will be expanded and will consist of Harry Kingerski, Sue Nord, Linda=20 Roberston, Jim Steffes, Lisa Yoho & myself. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thank you