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To:courtney.barker@enron.com, john.goodpasture@enron.com,michael.ratner@enron.com, sebastian.corbacho@enron.com, yuan.tian@enron.com, rockey.storie@enron.com, kent.miller@enron.com, john.dushinske@enron.com, dave.neubauer@enron.com, bill.fowler@enron.c
Subject:Iraq's Antisanctions Campaign: Prospects and Implications - CERA
Date:Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:04:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Lorna Brennan
X-To: Courtney Barker, John Goodpasture, Michael Ratner, Sebastian Corbacho, Yuan Tian, Rockey Storie, Kent Miller, John Dushinske, Dave Neubauer, Bill Fowler, Michael Bodnar, Joni Bollinger, David Badura, Janet Bowers, Craig Buehler, Bob Burleson, Allen Cohrs, John Fiscus, Steve Gilbert, Morgan Gottsponer, Stephen Herber, Dana Jones, Stephanie Korbelik, Bill Mangels, Penny McCarran, Vernon Mercaldo, Larry Pavlou, Eileen Peebles, Tony Perry, Loren Penkava, Ken Powers, Chris Sebesta, Frank Semin, Neal Shaw, Larry Swett, Kay Threet, Mike Ullom, Lisa Valley, Chuck Wilkinson, Jim Wiltfong, Jo Williams, Karen Lagerstrom, Bob Stevens, Sue Neville, Mike Barry, Martha Janousek, Kimberly Watson, Don Powell, Steve Weller, Michael G Stage, Tim Johanson, Laura Lantefield, Frank Oldenhuis, Jeff Nielsen, Robert Mason, Sean Bolks, Miriam Martinez, Lee Ferrell, John Williams, Reyna Cabrera, Theresa Branney, Jan Moore, Mike McGowan, Mary Kay Miller, Michel Nelson, Mike McGowan, Julia White, Drew Fossum, Steven Harris, Jeffery Fawcett, Lorraine Lindberg, Kevin Hyatt, Christine Stokes, TK Lohman, Michelle Lokay, Lindy Donoho
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The impacts of IRAQ suspending oil shipments could affect markets as early =
---------------------- Forwarded by Lorna Brennan/ET&S/Enron on 11/29/2000=
04:59 PM ---------------------------

webmaster@cera.com on 11/29/2000 04:29:14 PM
To: Lorna.Brennan@enron.com
cc: =20

Subject: Iraq's Antisanctions Campaign: Prospects and Implications - CERA=
Decision Brief

CERA Decision Brief: Sent Wed, November 29, 2000

Title: Iraq's Antisanctions Campaign: Prospects and Implications
Author: Placke
E-Mail Category: Decision Brief
Product Line: World Oil ,
URL: http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/eprofile.cfm?u=3D5526&;m=3D1429 ,

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The Iraqi regime=01,s campaign to neutralize and eliminate the UN sanctions=
constrained it for ten years is gathering momentum. Of immediate significan=
is the
growing likelihood that the antisanctions campaign will again pit Iraq=20
against the UN
Security Council--this time in a struggle over the financial controls at th=
heart of
the "oil for food" program, whose current phase expires December 5. Such a=
could lead to suspension of Iraqi oil exports, perhaps for a few weeks, as =
previously occurred, but possibly for considerably longer. Should such a=20
unfold, the effect on a still tight and nervous oil market would be dramati=


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Come Shoot the Rapids with us at CERAWeek2001, "Shooting the Rapids:=20
Strategies and Risks for the Energy Future" in Houston, February 12-16,=20
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