Enron Mail

To:tony@digitrain.com, frank.bay@enron.com, john.dushinske@enron.com,dhooker@utilicorp.com, rlfossum@mato.com, dloon@uschamber.com
Subject:Oct. Hunt
Date:Thu, 7 Sep 2000 10:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here's the deal--I just talked to my guy out in Kennebec S.D. and got a
glowing report on the situation. His opening day group is down to 6 guys so
he is only giving them access to half of his fields--we get first shot at the
rest. He's got so many pheasants he's worried about us limiting out to fast
and getting mad. I assured him that the way we all shoot that wouldn't be
a problem.
When: Friday-Sunday, Oct. 27-29.
Where: Kenebec S.D. (about 2 hours east of Rapid City, about 5 hours from
$$: $75 per guy per day if we have at least 8 guys. If we dwindle to less
than 8, its $100 per guy. (he will cut us some slack on this if some of you
can only hunt 2 days.)
Fish: Walleye fish fry on Sat. PM included
Lodging : Super 8 in Chamberlain--about 30 miles away if the weather is
cold, possible camping in Kennebec if people are up for it. Super 8 is a
lovely place: motto is "Labs sleep free." $100 per night, 4 guys per room+

So far, I think we've got 5 or 6 guys locked in solid. Another 6 or 8 have
been invited but are obtaining spousal consent. I'd like to get 10 locked
in solid by end of Sept. More than that would make the hunting a little
clumsy. Bay, my wife says you can't come because your new kid is due around
this time. What a lame excuse!! You were there for the first 4, right?
Doesn't a guy deserve a bye eventually? If you guys have anyone else that's
interested other than the folks that have already been invited, let me know
as we may want to invite a few more just to make sure we have around 10.
Talk to you. DF