Enron Mail

To:steven.kean@enron.com, vicki.sharp@enron.com, drew.fossum@enron.com,maria.pavlou@enron.com, michael.moran@enron.com
Subject:Mkt Affiliate Implications: Reorganization of Houston and Omaha
Date:Wed, 15 Nov 2000 00:58:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Shelley Corman
X-To: Steven J Kean, Vicki Sharp, Drew Fossum, Maria Pavlou, Michael Moran
X-Folder: \Drew_Fossum_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\Notes inbox
X-Origin: FOSSUM-D
X-FileName: dfossum.nsf

Enron Energy Services is presently a marketing affiliate of several of the=
Enron pipelines because EES: (1) buys/sells gas; and (2) holds transport=20
contracts on our pipelines. =20

Under the FERC's standards of conduct, the pipelines cannot: (1) share=20
transportation information or shipper information with EES; (2) must functi=
independently and keep separate books and records. Generally, I don't see=
the FERC having any problem with mechanical, electrical, air-conditioning=
types of services. However; there are 2 specific concerns that arise with=
respect to the described arrangement under the FERC's marketing affiliate=
standards of conduct:

1. Records -- FERC has ruled that giving a marketing affiliate "access" to=
transportation and shipper records (including something as simple as file=
room access) is deemed to be impermissibly sharing the information with a=
marketing affiliate in violation of the standards. Thus, it seems to me tha=
EES will explicitly not be able to perform any records management function=
for NNG, TW or NBPL.

2. Billing - FERC scrutinizes intercompany charges carefully. In a recent=
Kinder-Morgan consent order, the FERC used payroll and intercompany charge=
records to make the case that the pipeline and marketing affiliate did not=
operate separately. It would be helpful if any EES facility management=20
charges/allocations come from Enron Facility Services (not EES) -- leaving=
us room to argue that the facility management subsidiary involves separate=
functions and staff than the EES subsidiary that is a marketing affiliate.

=09From: Steve Kean & Bill Donovan 11/14/2000 06=
:36 PM

Sent by: Enron Announcements
To: All Enron Houston
cc: =20

Subject: Reorganization of Houston and Omaha Facilities Management=20

Responsibility for daily operations of building support services in the=20
Enron Building, Houston leased offices, and Two Pacific Place (Omaha) will =
transitioning from Corporate to Enron Energy Services (EES) by year-end. T=
areas affected include facility operations and maintenance of mechanical,=
electrical, and air-conditioning systems; mail delivery; housekeeping; =20
food, copier, and records services.

This transition of services, as presently managed by Enron Property and=20
Services Corp. (EPSC), is designed to optimize value to Enron=01,s Business=
Units by leveraging facility management businesses now offered by EES to=20
their commercial customers. EPSC staff having administrative responsibilit=
for these services will report to Enron Facility Services, a subsidiary of=
EES=01,s Global Energy Services group led by Daniel Leff, President and CEO=

EPSC is responsible for Enron=01,s internal real estate and office developm=
needs, including leasing, space allocations and facility planning, project=
and construction management, furniture systems, and office relocation. EPS=
in its development role, remains a part of Enron Corporate Administration=
Services (ECAS) along with Corporate Security and the Aviation Department,=
reporting to Bill Donovan, Vice President, Corporate Administrative Service=

This alignment of responsibilities offers the opportunity for EPSC to focus=
resources on effective utilization of our existing office space assets and=
managing the development of Houston=01,s new Enron Center Campus project.