Enron Mail

To:martha.benner@enron.com, susan.scott@enron.com
Subject:EBA-Houston Chapter Luncheon -- February 14, 2001 -- California
Date:Sun, 28 Jan 2001 09:29:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Drew Fossum
X-To: Martha Benner, Susan Scott
X-Folder: \Drew_Fossum_Dec2000_June2001_2\Notes Folders\Sent
X-Origin: FOSSUM-D
X-FileName: dfossum.nsf

I think I need to be down there that week anyway--Martha lets try to schedule
it so I can go to this. thanks df
---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 01/28/2001
05:28 PM ---------------------------

Susan Scott
01/26/2001 02:55 PM
To: Drew Fossum@ENRON

Subject: EBA-Houston Chapter Luncheon -- February 14, 2001 -- California
Energy Crisis

FYI -- If you are going to be in town, please join us.
(I'm the EBA secretary and Head Cheerleader this year).
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron on 01/26/2001
02:59 PM ---------------------------

"Caldwell, Charles" <ccaldwell@velaw.com< on 01/26/2001 02:26:18 PM
To: Energy Bar Association Houston Members
cc: "Scott, Susan (Energy Bar Association Member Houston)"
<susan.scott@enron.com<, "Tran, Dat (Energy Bar Association Member Houston)"

Subject: EBA-Houston Chapter Luncheon -- February 14, 2001 -- California E
nergy Crisis


Dear Energy Bar Association-Houston Chapter Member:

Attached is a notice of our first EBA Houston Chapter luncheon of 2001,
scheduled for Wednesday, February 14th. We are pleased to have Brent
Bailey, General Counsel of Duke Energy North America, and Jeff Dasovich,
Director of Regulatory Affairs for Enron's California operations, joining us
to share their perspectives on the energy crisis in California. This should
be an interesting and timely discussion.

Please print out and return the attached notice to confirm your seat for the
luncheon at the Hyatt Regency-Downtown. The notice will be distributed by
mail as well.

See you there!

Charles F. Caldwell
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
2300 First City Tower
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: 713-758-4518
Fax: 713-615-5087
Email: ccaldwell@velaw.com

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- Houston_443501_1.DOC