Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Request to intervene and reply to Indicated Shipper and
Date:Wed, 31 Jan 2001 14:50:00 -0800 (PST)

No. CP95- 218-003
Cc: shelley.corman@enron.com, dave.neubauer@enron.com, kent.miller@enron.com,
steve.kirk@enron.com, glen.hass@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Bcc: shelley.corman@enron.com, dave.neubauer@enron.com, kent.miller@enron.com,
steve.kirk@enron.com, glen.hass@enron.com
X-From: Drew Fossum
X-To: Mary Kay Miller
X-cc: Shelley Corman, Dave Neubauer, Kent Miller, Steve Kirk, Glen Hass
X-Folder: \Drew_Fossum_Dec2000_June2001_2\Notes Folders\Sent
X-Origin: FOSSUM-D
X-FileName: dfossum.nsf

I agree. DF

From: Mary Kay Miller 01/31/2001 06:18 PM

To: Shelley Corman/ET&S/Enron, Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dave
Neubauer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kent Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steve
Kirk/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: Request to intervene and reply to Indicated Shipper and
Dynegy's Request for Rehearing, Texas Eastern Transmission Corp., Docket No.
CP95- 218-003

Shelley, we want the opinion to be upheld, so if this may help, I'd say yes
let's participate. MK

Dassistant <Dassistance@INGAA.org< on 01/31/2001 02:55:59 PM
To: "Anna V. Cochrane (E-mail)" <avcochrane@cmsenergy.com<, "Anne Bomar
(E-mail)" <anne_bomar@dom.com<, "Brian White (E-mail)"
<bswhite@columbiaenergy.com<, "Carl Levander (E-mail)"
<clevander@columbiaenergygroup.com<, "Catharine Davis (E-mail)"
<cdavis@glgt.com<, "Chris Kaitson (E-mail)" <ckaitson@midcoastenergy.com<,
"Claire A. Burum (E-mail)" <burumc@kochind.com<, "Claudio Urencio (E-mail)"
<curencio@gas.pemex.com<, "Cyril Zebot (E-mail)" <czebot@reliantenergy.com<,
"Daniel Collins (E-mail)" <daniel.collins@coastalcorp.com<, "David Reitz
(E-mail)" <reitzd@natfuel.com<, "Jake Hiatt (E-mail)" <hiattj@epenergy.com<,
"James Peterson (E-mail)" <petersonj@natfuel.com<, "Janet Place (E-mail)"
<janet.place@enron.com<, "Janice Alperin (E-mail)"
<janice.alperin@coastalcorp.com<, "Jeffrey Bruner (E-mail)"
<jeff_bruner@iroquois.com<, Joan Dreskin <jdreskin@INGAA.org<, "Judy Neason
(E-mail)" <jneason@wcp.twc.com<, "Keith A. Tiggelaar (E-mail)"
<tiggka@wbip.com<, "Kristine Delkus (E-mail)"
<kristine_delkus@transcanada.com<, "Lenard G. Wright (E-mail)"
<lenardw@qstr.com<, "Marc A. Halbritter (E-mail 2)"
<Marc_A._Halbritter@DOM.com<, "Marsha Palazzi (E-mail)"
<mpalazzi@pge-nw.com<, "Mary Kay Miller (E-mail)" <mkmiller@enron.com<,
"Michael E. McMahon (E-mail)" <mcmaho1m@kochind.com<, "Paul Diehl (E-mail)"
<paul_diehl@iroquois.com<, "Peggy Heeg (E-mail)" <heegp@epenergy.com<, Penny
Ludwig <Pludwig@INGAA.org<, "Randall Crawford (E-mail)" <rcrawford@eqt.com<,
"Richard J. Kruse (E-mail)" <rkruse@duke-energy.com<, "Richard Smead
(E-mail)" <richard.smead@coastalcorp.com<, "Robert D. Jackson (E-mail)"
<rdjackso@glgt.com<, "Robert Kilmer (E-mail)" <rkilmer@enron.com<, "Rodney E.
Gerik (E-mail)" <regerik@duke-energy.com<, "Scott Turkington (E-mail)"
<scott.c.turkington@williams.com<, "Shelley Corman (E-mail)"
<Shelley_Corman@enron.com<, "Stephen R. Melton (E-mail)"
<smelton@columbiaenergygroup.com<, "Todd Rushton (E-mail)"
<richard.t.rushton@nspco.com<, "William Grygar (E-mail)"
cc: "Curtis Moffatt Esq. (E-mail)" <jcm@vnf.com<, "David G. Mengebier
(E-mail)" <dgmengebier@cmsenergy.com<, "Denise Simpson (E-mail)"
<dsimpson@reliantenergy.com<, "Marsha Palazzi (E-mail)"
<marsha.palazzi@neg.peg.com<, "Marshia M. Younglund (E-mail)"
<myounglund@wcp.twc.com<, "Michael D. Moore (E-mail)" <moorem@epenergy.com<,
"Nancy Bagot (E-mail)" <nancy.bagot@enron.com<, "Scott P. Anger (E-mail)"
<scott.anger@coastalcorp.com<, "Sharon J. Royka (E-mail)"
<sjroyka@columbiaenergy.com<, "Steven E. Tillman (E-mail)"

Subject: Request to intervene and reply to Indicated Shipper and Dynegy's
Request for Rehearing, Texas Eastern Transmission Corp., Docket No. CP95-


TO:???? ??????? Regulatory Policy Commission
FROM:?? Joan Dreskin
DATE:?? ??????? January 31, 2001
RE:???? ??????? Request to intervene and reply to Indicated Shipper and
Dynegy's Request for Rehearing, Texas Eastern Transmission Corp., Docket No.

??????? On January 16, Indicated Shippers and Dynegy took rehearing of the
Texas Eastern order that held that pipelines do not need preapproval from
FERC to acquire capacity on other pipelines.? Indicated Shippers and Dynegy
took rehearing on the following grounds: (1) The Commission order is
procedurally defective in that it repeals a Commission regulation, 18 CFR o
284.242, without following a notice and comment rulemaking procedures; (2)
The old Texas Eastern policy has been effective, and has deterred the conduct
it was intended to preclude; (3) The Commission order ignores crucial "rate
impacts" associated with off-system capacity acquisition; and (4) The
Commission's references to the ability of a pipeline acquiring offsystem
capacity to release that capacity under the acquiring pipeline's tariff are

??????? Although the Commission's regulations do not provide for answers to
rehearing requests, Dominion and Duke have asked that we intervene and
respond to Indicated Shippers and Dynegy's request for rehearing in order to
help the Commission formulate its decision.? As you may remember from INGAA's
marketing affiliate comments, the Commission's December 14 order has a lot of
excellent language in it, such as statements that holding offsystem capacity
does not favor marketing affiliates, that INGAA wants to support.

??????? If Chairman Hebert wishes to keep his promise to do away with tolling
orders, this rehearing would need to be acted on by Wednesday February 14,
2001.? Accordingly, if INGAA wishes to be heard it must do so quickly.

??????? Please let me know by COB tomorrow whether you support INGAA
responding to Indicated Shippers and Dynegy's request for rehearing.? If you
agree, then I will proceed to get our Board of Directors' approval.