Enron Mail

Subject:Re: last year's deal
Cc:kent.miller@enron.com, dari.dornan@enron.com
Bcc:kent.miller@enron.com, dari.dornan@enron.com
Date:Thu, 1 Jun 2000 03:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

Is that point the receipt point Sempra would have to use to take the base gas
volumes away from Cunningham? Thanks. DF

From: Dari Dornan 06/01/2000 09:09 AM

To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kent Miller/ET&S/Enron@Enron

Subject: Re: last year's deal

---------------------- Forwarded by Dari Dornan/ET&S/Enron on 06/01/2000
09:06 AM ---------------------------

Linda Trevino
06/01/2000 08:47 AM
To: Dari Dornan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: last year's deal

If someone tries to nominate POI 61243 they will receive a message saying
"Invalid point". The market service rep will then notify me because they
cannot nominate on the point. I will then notify Jan. Jan and I will notify
Sue, Morgan, Kent and yourself. Let me know if we need to change anything.


From: Dari Dornan 06/01/2000 08:33 AM

To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jan Moore/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Linda
cc: Sue M Neville/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kent Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: last year's deal

Jan and Linda, the issue is how does anyone know for last years base gas
deal if it has "gone physical" (if Sempra nominates the SF agreement for
delivery). My answer subject to your verification is that the POI that they
have to nominate to is flagged as not available, so when they nominate Market
Services is aware of it and is to call Kent/Sue/Morgan. Could you fill in
any missing details. Thanks, Dari

From: Drew Fossum 05/31/2000 06:11 PM

To: Sue M Neville/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Dari Dornan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kent Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: last year's deal

They nominate the SF to market services also, in addition to any transport
they have? Dari, please follow up on this with market services and verify
what the procedures are and let us all know. Again, this may relate to a
counterproposal we make to TCEM if they barf on the corporate guarantee
issue, so time is of the essence. Thanks. DF

Sue M Neville 05/31/2000 11:14 AM

To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: last year's deal

addition to my first reply:

Also, Sempra does not nominate to Kent/Sue/Morgan. They nominate to Market
Services. Sempra's scheduler would not even think to call any one of us. We
would only hope their deal maker, David Otte, would be in the loop on their
side and notify one of us if they ever decided to go physical.
