Enron Mail

Subject:Accepting or Declining Insurance
Date:Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:14:47 -0800 (PST)

I noticed that you have neither accepted nor declined our insurance as of today, 03/28/02. According to your start date, your insurance would be effective 04/01/02. In order to send the information to the insurance company by April 1st, we must receive that information from you by Friday, March 29, 2002. Please let me know, either by e-mail or by phone (713-438-0919) if you choose to accept or decline. If you choose to accept, fax the completed enrollment form to 713-438-0930. Please keep in mind that the next opportunity to enroll in insurance will be in October.
Thank you,
Perrin Worrell
Recruiter Coordinator
Icon Information Consultants, LP
(713) 438-0919
1-877-374-3216 (toll free)
Pworrell@iconconsultants.com <mailto:Pworrell@iconconsultants.com<