Enron Mail

Subject:Enron North America West (EPMIWE) Security Officer Access to the
Date:Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:54:51 -0800 (PST)

Cc: darren.cavanaugh@enron.com, `caresteam@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Bcc: darren.cavanaugh@enron.com, `caresteam@enron.com
X-From: Ben Porath <Ben.Porath@oatiinc.com<
X-cc: Cavanaugh, Darren </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DCAVANAU<, `CaresTeam <caresteam@oatiinc.com<
X-Folder: \ExMerge - Gang, Lisa\Deleted Items
X-Origin: GANG-L
X-FileName: lisa gang 6-25-02.pst

< Dear Lisa Gang,
< OATI has successfully verified your identity as the Enron North America
< West (EPMIWE) Security Officer for the OATI webCARES System. As the Enron
< North America West (EPMIWE) SO, you will have full access to the OATI
< webCARES System for the purposes of issuing and managing Digital
< Certificates for the Enron North America West (EPMIWE) organization. It
< is very important that you at least login to the OATI webCARES System
< once. During your initial login, you will be presented with your Digital
< Certificate for download and installation.
< You may access the OATI webCARES System from the following site:
< http://www.oaticerts.com. As a new Security Officer accessing the
< webCARES System for the first time, please click on the "First Time Users
< Page" link for valuable information and instructions regarding computer
< setup and accessing the system. In addition, attached to this e-mail,
< OATI has provided a Security Officer's Users Manual that will guide you
< through your initial login to the OATI webCARES System, Importing and
< Exporting Digital Certificates, and solutions for many issues that may
< arise while working with Digital Certificates.
< Patrick Tronnier, our OATI Digital Certificates expert, will be contacting
< you shortly to provide you with your Username and Temporary password to
< the webCARES System. At this time, Pat will assist you with your first
< login to the system and obtaining your digital certificate. Once Pat has
< assisted you with access to the webCARES System, then he will provide you
< with login information for your Backup Security Officer, Darren Cavanaugh.
< Finally, attached to this e-mail, we have provided a list of your existing
< webTag (ETS) Usernames. A corresponding Digital Certificate must be
< created for each Username in the list. On April 10, 2002, when E-Tag 1.7
< is implemented, your webTag (ETS) Users will not be able to login in to
< the system unless they have a Digital Certificate corresponding to their
< Username loaded within their web browser. In addition, if your Users need
< access to our webOASIS Node (TVA, AECI, BREC, & EKPC Data), please visit
< www.oatioasis.com for instructions on registering your company and users
< for access. Please note that a user can use the same Digital Certificate
< to access both the webTag (ETS) and webOASIS systems.
< If you experience any problem with the process or have any questions,
< please feel free to contact the OATI webCARES customer support by either
< E-Mail: webCARES@oatiinc.com or Phone: (763) 553-2725.
< Thank you,
< Ben Porath
< Open Access Technology, Intl.
< (763) 553-2725
< ben.porath@oatiinc.com
< CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: This email and any attachment(s) contain
< confidential and/or proprietary information of Open Access Technology
< International, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without the prior written
< consent of OATI. If you are not a named recipient to the message, please
< notify the sender immediately and do not retain the message in any form,
< printed or electronic.
<<OATI-webCARES-SO-Cert-User-Manual.pdf<< <<EPMIWE.xls<<