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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Gang, Lisa </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LGANG< X-To: Sarnowski, Julie </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Jsarnow< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \ExMerge - Gang, Lisa\Sent Items X-Origin: GANG-L X-FileName: lisa gang 6-25-02.pst -----Original Message----- From: Thompson, Virginia Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 4:02 PM To: Gang, Lisa Subject: FW: CAISO Notification - Scheduling Procedure for Daylight Savings Time UPDATE The correct date is 4/07/02. < -----Original Message----- < From: CRCommunications < Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 3:44 PM < To: ISO Market Participants < Subject: CAISO Notification - Scheduling Procedure for Daylight < Savings Time < < Market Participants: < < Please assure that this information is forwarded to your respective < Pre-Scheduling, Real Time Dispatch and Metering Operations!!! < < The transition to Daylight Savings Time is rapidly approaching. In < preparation ISO Market Operations has provided the following Scheduling < Procedure to help assure a smooth transition. The Scheduling Procedure is < the same one used in 2001. < < CAISO Scheduling Procedure for Daylight Savings Time < Transition < < The following is a brief explanation of how SC's should < prepare schedules for submission to the CAISO Scheduling Infrastructure < (SI) system for the upcoming conversion to Daylight Savings Time < commencing on 4/7/01. < < When submitting preferred or revised preferred schedules for < Trade Date 4/7/01, which is considered a "Short" day, SC's should < schedule all 24 hours of information with the data for HE03 being zero. < < The ISO's System Applications (SA) do not read or write data < from/to the SI database for the "Short" day's HE03. Therefore, no data < will be sent to settlements for this hour. Consequently, settlements will < have only 23 records for this "Short" day, Trade Date 4/7/01. < < If you have additional Scheduling questions for this trade < date, please contact Alek Kandybenko, ISO Market Operations, @ < (916)351-2213. < < < CAISO Metering Procedure for Daylight Savings Time < Transition < < The ISO receives all Settlement Quality Meter Data (SQMD) in < PST, year around. < < Therefore, the transition to DST should require no < modification to meter data submission. < < However, please confirm and assure that all SQMD meter data < continues to be submitted to ISO MDAS in PST. < < If you have additional ISO Metering questions for this trade < date, please contact ISO MDAS OPERATIONS, @ (916) 351-4431. < < For any other questions please contact your Client Representative. < < CRCommunications.0621 < Client Relations Communications < <