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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Rob G Gay X-To: Laine A Powell X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Randall_Gay_Nov2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: GAY-R X-FileName: rgay.nsf Let's move ahead. The details appear to be complete. Thanks. Laine A Powell@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 12/12/2000 11:01 AM To: Rob G Gay/NA/Enron@Enron cc: John Novak/SA/Enron@Enron, Tony Apps/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, crankin@velaw.com, Lutz Speidel/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Richard A Lammers/SA/Enron@Enron, Christiaan Huizer/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: Re: Draft letter to lenders - Approval By-pass Stack Damper Position Rob - I discussed the issue with S&W and they agreed with our approach. They ask that we formalize the process. Should the attached letter be sent to the banks or to S&W? Pls let me know as we need to get this issue resolved. rgds Laine Christiaan Huizer 12-12-2000 02:40 PM To: Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: John Novak/SA/Enron@Enron, Tony Apps/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, crankin@velaw.com, Lutz Speidel/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: Draft letter to lenders - Approval By-pass Stack Damper Position See attached for your review draft letter requesting approval from the lenders regarding the by-pass stack damper position. Please advise soonest of your comments. Regards, Christiaan Laine A Powell 12/09/2000 09:56 AM To: Christiaan Huizer/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: RE: CUI-OD-3190 - By-pass Stack Damper Position Christiaan - I spoke with Brad and Sue of Stone and Webster about this issue. They don't have a problem with what we are proposing to do. Pls work up a paper on the issue so we can send it to the banks formally. rgds Laine ---------------------- Forwarded by Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 09-12-2000 01:55 PM --------------------------- "Rankin, Cliff" <CRankin@velaw.com< on 30-11-2000 02:17:22 PM To: "Powell, Laine (Enron)" <laine.a.powell@enron.com< cc: Christiaan.Huizer@enron.com, "Novak, John (Enron)" <john.novak@enron.com<, Allan.Smithe@enron.com Subject: RE: CUI-OD-3190 - By-pass Stack Damper Position As far as I'm concerned this is fine if that is the deal. However, I would suggest that Owner obtain the Lenders' agreement to the position as it constitutes a change to the Performance Tests under the EPC Contract. See Section 8.12(b)(ii)(D) of the Common Terms Agreement. -----Original Message----- From: Laine.A.Powell@enron.com [mailto:Laine.A.Powell@enron.com] Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 3:11 PM To: Stephen.P.Stein@enron.com Cc: Tony.Apps@enron.com; Christiaan.Huizer@enron.com; John.Novak@enron.com; CRankin@velaw.com; Alan_Smithe@parsons.com; Allan.Smithe@enron.com Subject: Re: CUI-OD-3190 - By-pass Stack Damper Position Steve - This letter is being sent to counsel for review. rgds Laine Cliff - Pls take a look at the attached letter. From a technical point-of-view we have no problem with the letter. rgds Laine ---------------------- Forwarded by Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 16-11-2000 05:42 PM --------------------------- Stephen P Stein 16-11-2000 03:54 PM To: Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Re: CUI-OD-3190 - By-pass Stack Damper Position (Document link: A Laine Powell 2000) Laine, This letter could be titled "Suggested Carve Out Language for Gatwick Accord. This is a response to your request for Language which we would want to see in order to go ahead and execute the Gatwick Accord. Our main issue results from our not wanting to be reposition the By-Pass Damper after we finish Combined Cycle Oil Commissioning. We structured this letter as a stand alone letter agreement so that we do not need to wait until the EOT claim is executed to sign the Gatwick Accord nor would we need to change the current language in the Gatwick Accord. rgds Steve Laine A Powell 11/16/2000 09:35 AM To: Brian T Doughty/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Allan Smithe/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Lutz Speidel/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Stephen P Stein/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Alan_Smithe@parsons.com Subject: Re: CUI-OD-3190 - By-pass Stack Damper Position (Document link: Stephen P Stein) Brian - What is the logic for the Gatwick carve out being in this letter? Should it be a stand alone issue? Not upset or excited in the least just curious. rgds Laine Luciana Souza 13-11-2000 09:55 AM To: Laine A Powell/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Brian T Doughty@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Keith Gronewold/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Stephen P Stein/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Guidry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ken Charlton/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, William Shain/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Tony Apps/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Dan Shultz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Nathan Newman/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: CUI-OD-3190 - By-pass Stack Damper Position Dear Mr. Powell, Please find attached electronic copy of our letter EECC-CUI-OD-3190 signed by Mr. Doughty. Hard copy of letter and attachment to follow by fax and hands. Best Regards, Luciana Souza Project Secretary (See attached file: PECui-Od-3190.doc) ++++++CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE+++++ The information in this email may be confidential and/or privileged. This email is intended to be reviewed by only the individual or organization named above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or copying of this email and its attachments, if any, or the information contained herein is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete this email from your system. Thank You