Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Force majeure - Conference Call on Wednesday, April 19, at 2:
Date:Tue, 18 Apr 2000 05:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Randall L Gay
X-To: Rob G Gay
X-Folder: \Randall_Gay_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: Gay-R
X-FileName: rgay.nsf

---------------------- Forwarded by Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT on 04/18/2000 12:17
PM ---------------------------

"RACITI, Melissa" <MRACITI@freshfields.com< on 04/18/2000 11:58:44 AM
To: "'rlammer@enron.com'" <rlammer@enron.com<, "'rgay@enron.com'"
<rgay@enron.com<, "'Dutton, Chris CMJ SI-GPBF'"
<Chris.M.J.Dutton@SI.shell.com<, "'MHP@dentonwildesapte.com'"
<MHP@dentonwildesapte.com<, "'Joana.Ryan@enron.com'" <Joana.Ryan@enron.com<,
"'Andreia.Almeida@enron.com'" <Andreia.Almeida@enron.com<,
"'G.G.Garcia@enron.com'" <G.G.Garcia@enron.com<
Subject: FW: Force majeure - Conference Call on Wednesday, April 19, at 2: 30
pm EDT

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-----Original Message-----
From: ELORZA, Juliana
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 12:29 PM
To: 'Mary Mervenne (E-mail)'; 'Thomas Mahaffey (E-mail)'; 'Nancy Rivera
(E-mail)'; 'Frank Kluesener (E-mail)'; 'Karl Heinz Wellmann (E-mail)';
'Stefan Unna (E-mail)'; 'Chaim Wachsberger (E-mail)'; O'BRIEN, Lisa;
'Robert Shapiro (E-mail)'; 'John Barquin (E-mail)'; 'John Novak
(E-mail)'; 'Stephen Friedlander (E-mail)'
Cc: BURKE, Ted (TDB); RACITI, Melissa; DELPINO, Fiorella
Subject: RE: Force majeure - Conference Call on Wednesday, April 19, at
2:30 pm EDT

Dear All,

We have scheduled a conference call to initiate the discussions of the force
majeure claims. The dial-in information is:

Date: Wednesday, April 19
Time: 2:30 pm EDT
Dial in (Domestic): (888) 271-0949
International access: (304) 345-7526
Participant Code: 132912

Thank you.