Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Happy Valentine's Day
Date:Tue, 20 Feb 2001 06:09:00 -0800 (PST)

Once again you made my day. You are really a wonderful person, you know?

Don't worry I'm not falling off a cliff - you will hear from me again. Also
I'll give you a call before I get out of here next week.

Lots of love,


"Sue V. Herbich" <sherbich@paclawteam.com< on 02/16/2001 09:28:33 PM
To: <Rob.G.Gay@enron.com<

Subject: RE: Happy Valentine's Day

thanks for the very sweet message. You can never be more delinquent than i
since i only mailed your b-day gift a few days ago. There is nothing worse
than trying to find a gift for a married retiring millionaire. Hence, the
weird gift combination - but i was thinking fishing. Work continues to be
stressfully busy because i'm preparing for a number of trials. I'm going to
go to Vegas next week anyway bc i need a break. Thanks for thinking of me -
I'm doing fine. The only time i cried recently was at my arbitration hearing
yesterday - my client's testimony was so touching that i cried (how
embarassing!) - hate when that happens! It's not the 1st time & i'm sure
not the last. I know you are very busy during these last few weeks and am
touched that you even had time to think of me. I thought about you too on
V-day & should have done something special since it probably will not be
possible again. Ok, stop rolling your eyes - you think i'm a flake. That's
one of the greatest things about you - you are never flaky. lots of love,

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob.G.Gay@enron.com [mailto:Rob.G.Gay@enron.com]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:24 AM
To: Sue Vo Herbich, Esq.
Subject: Happy Valentine's Day

I was thinking of you on the appropriate day but somehow I never managed to
let you know how much I care about you. I'm thinking of you now too and
hope you are happy and doing well.



"Sue Vo Herbich, Esq." <sherbich@paclawteam.com< on 07/18/2000 09:53:52 PM

To: <Rob.G.Gay@enron.com<

Subject: Re: Happy Birthday

thank you for your sweet message. Greg & i went to Las Vegas for 4 days &
all my sisters & their families were there vacationing at the same time.
had a great time. Came back to work in late afternoon today - tired.
was actually my gift to Greg for his birthday which was a wk before mine
we celebrated mine there too. Got your very nice phone message also -
thanks for cheering up my tired mind & body. Your voice sounds wonderful &
i breathed in all the telephonic kisses. Hope all is well on the road to
retirement. love, sue

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob.G.Gay@enron.com <Rob.G.Gay@enron.com<
To: sherbich@paclawteam.com <sherbich@paclawteam.com<
Date: Monday, July 17, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: Happy Birthday

<It's a day late and a dollar short, but I wanted you to know I was
<about you. Did you have a good one?
<Lots of kisses
<Expect my call
<Love Rob