Enron Mail

Subject:Re: EPE v.s MAE Graph
Cc:richard.lammers@enron.com, christiaan.huizer@enron.com,laine.powell@enron.com
Bcc:richard.lammers@enron.com, christiaan.huizer@enron.com,laine.powell@enron.com
Date:Mon, 18 Dec 2000 07:07:00 -0800 (PST)

Please confirm my inferences:

1) The Southeast curve has been provided by the MAE in its official capacity
(do we have a reference from a press release or publication?)
2) I assume the Southeast curve predicts the maximum marginal cost expected
to be dispatched for each period. Is this correct? Is this for Peak demand
periods? Do we have a prediction on an intra-day basis?
3) The graph seems to predict that EPE's cost will be below the Southeast
curve; therefore we can epect full dispatch (?)

Felipe Ospina
12/18/2000 02:45 PM
To: Rob G Gay/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard A Lammers/SA/Enron@Enron, Tracee

Subject: EPE v.s MAE Graph

As discussed on the conference call, here is a graph of the MAE forward curve
v.s. the EPE marginal cost provided by Christiaan. It assumes EPE's marginal
cost remains at R$97.84/Mwh until Aug-01, which I think is not the case as it
will go down once gas arrives and the plant increases to 480 MW. The forward
curve is as of Dec-06. One can see the impact of the dry season beginning mid
year until around Sept as Laine was suggesting in the call. Thanks.