Enron Mail

To:john.keiser@enron.com, elaine.concklin@enron.com
Subject:Budgeting Solutions - ebudgets.com
Date:Tue, 6 Feb 2001 18:42:00 -0800 (PST)

What do you think?
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"Cheryl Evans" <cevans@ebudgets.com< on 02/06/2001 02:08:52 PM

Subject:=09Budgeting Solutions - ebudgets.com

Thank you for taking the time to speak to me today about ebudgets, the web=
-enabled budgeting software by ebudgets.com. Below is a brief description=
of our budgeting solutions but to learn more please visit our website at =
http://www.ebudgets.com As discussed please pass our website information=
to anyone you think might be interested. If you have any questions at an=
ytime please feel free to contact me at the number listed below. Once agai=
n, thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking =
with you soon. Cheryl Evans, 800-600-9696 ext. 20
[IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09
Home | Product | Free Demo | Contact Us =09=09


[IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [I=
MAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09
=09 =09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 BUDGET ANYTIME-ANYWHERE VIA THE WEB WITH=
eBUDGETS! ebudgets.com offers a browser-based budgeting solution call=
ed ebudgets. ebudgets gives CFO's, controllers and financial analysts dyna=
mic control over business results in today's internet economy. The system=
offers a comprehensive suite of budgeting features, including line-item a=
ccount breakdown and built-in modules for personnel, capital and revenue p=
lanning. ebudgets integrates easily with other existing systems (SAP, Pe=
oplesoft, Great Plains, Lawson, JDEdwards, etc.) to provide real-time comp=
arisons of actuals to plans. The product involves all users in the planni=
ng process with collaborative message boards, a centralized calendar, and =
the ability to input and view reports from anywhere with an Internet conne=
om also offers a client-server budgeting and reporting solution called Hel=
msman that is designed to streamline your planning cycle. This system app=
lies the full power of today's desktop computing technology to simplify yo=
ur budgeting and forecasting process. ebudgets.com clients include MC=
I Worldcom, Amerada Hess, NEPCO, AON Risk Services, Voicestream Wireless, =
Countrywide Home Loans, and State of Wisconsin to name a few. To learn=
more about our budgeting solutions please visit our website at www.ebudge=
ts.com . If you have any questions or would like to register for one of o=
ur upcoming web demo's please feel free to give me a call at 800-600-9696 =
ext. 20 Cheryl Evans Business Development Manager cevans@ebudgets.com=
=09 =09 =09
=09 =09 =09 =09 =09=09=09=09=09=09=09


[IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] =09

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