Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Fw: Travel Advice from the Texas Tourism Bureau
Date:Mon, 5 Feb 2001 18:19:00 -0800 (PST)

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"Jack Hurst" <hurst@intur.net< on 01/24/2001 12:05:08 PM
To:=09"Wayne Guidry" <Guidry_Wayne@emc.com<, <Tracy.Geaccone@enron.com<, "L=
ou and Kathleen Dionne" <lkdionne@olypen.com<, "Hurst, Julie A" <Hurst.Juli=
e@emeryworld.com<, "Dianne Costa" <gdsown@airmail.net<

Subject:=09Fw: Fw: Travel Advice from the Texas Tourism Bureau

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Ross" <jtross@attglobal.net<
To: <rwbradford@bigfoot.com<; <bobdockerty@aol.com<; <CJRN1@aol.com<;
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Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Travel Advice from the Texas Tourism Bureau

< Travel Bulletin from the Texas Tourism Bureau

<The new Texas White House in Crawford, Texas, will soon be drawing a
<numberof people to that area and other areas of the south, including many
<who are not used to southern hospitality, like Yankee, liberal reporters.
<They might find useful the following travel advice issued by the Texas
< < Tourism Bureau to all visiting Northerners and Northeastern Urbanites:
< < << <1) Don't order filet mignon or pasta primavera at Waffle House.
< < << <just a diner. They serve breakfast 24 hours a day. Let them cook
< < <something
< < << <they know. If you confuse them, they'll kick your ass.
< < << <2) Don't laugh at our Southern names (Merleen, Bodie, Bubby,
< < <Ray, Tammy Lynn, Billy Joe, Sissy, Clovis, etc.). Or we will just HAV=
< < <kick your ass.
< < << <
< < << <3) Don't order a bottle of pop or a can of soda down here. Down
<here it's called Coke. Nobody gives a damn whether it's Pepsi, RC, Dr.
< < Pepper, 7-Up or whatever - it's still a Coke. Accept it. Doing
< otherwise can
< < <lead to an ass kicking.
< < << <
< < << <4) We know our heritage. Most of us are more literate than you
<(e.g. Welty, Williams, Faulkner). We are also better educated and generall=
<a lot nicer. Don't refer to us as a bunch of hillbillies, or ee'll kick
<your ass.
< < << <
< < << <5) We have plenty of business sense (e.g., Fred Smith of Fed Ex,
< < <Turner Broadcasting, MCI WorldCom, MTV, Netscape, Dell computers).
< Naturally, we do sometimes, have small
<lapses in judgment (e.g., Carter, Duke, Barnes, Clinton). We don't
<care if you think we are dumb. We are not dumb enough to let someone move
< < our state in order to run for the Senate. If someone tried to do that,
< < <would CERTAINLY kick their ass.
< < << <
< < << <6) Don't laugh at our Civil War monuments. If Lee had listened
< < << <Longstreet and flanked Meade at Gettysburg instead of sending
<up the middle, you'd be paying taxes to Richmond instead of Washington.
< < << <
< < << <7) We are fully aware of how hot the weather is in August, so
< shut the hell
< < <up. Just spend your money and get the hell out of here, or we'll kick
< your ass.
< < << <
< < << <8) Don't order wheat toast at Cracker Barrel. Everyone will
<instantly know that you're a Yankee. Eat your biscuits like God
< < <gravy. And don't put sugar on your grits, or we'll kick your ass.
< < << <
< < << <9) Don't talk about how much better things are at home because w=
< < know better. Many of us have visited Northern hell-holes like Detroit,
< < <Chicago, and DC, and we have the scars and the notches on our pistols
< to prove it. If you don't like it here,
< <Delta is ready when you are. Move your ass on home before it gets
< kicked up between your shoulders and you have to take off your shirt to
< < << <
< < << <10) Yes, we know how to speak proper English. We talk this way
< < because we don't want to sound like you. We don't care if you don't
<understand what we are saying. All other Southerners understand what we
< < saying,and that's all that matters. Now, go away and leave us alone, o=
<we'llkick your ass.
< < << <
< < << <11) Don't complain that the South is dirty and polluted. None o=
<OUR lakes or rivers have caught fire recently. If you whine about OUR
< < scenic beauty, we'll kick your ass all the way back to Boston Harbor.
< < << <
< < << <12) Don't ridicule our Southern manners. We say sir and ma'am.
< < <hold doors open for others. We offer our seats to old folks because
< < <things are expected of civilized people. Behave yourselves around our
< sweet
< < << <little grey-haired grandmothers or they'll kick some manners into
< < <ass just like they did ours.
< < << <
< < << <13) So you think we're quaint or losers because most of us live
< < the countryside? That's because we have enough sense to not live in
<filthy, smelly, crime-infested cesspools like New York or Baltimore. Make
<of our fresh air, and we'll kick your sorry ass.
< < << <
< < << <14) Nothing in California is Southern, so if you come down here,
< < << <think you're one of us just because you say you're from Southern
< < << <California. Your Mexicans didn't invent low riders, ours did. And
< < <food is Tex Mex. It isn't Cal Mex. You haven't contributed anything
< < <South so don't try to take or we'll kick your ass.
< < << <
< < << <15) Last, but not least, DO NOT DARE to come down here and tell
< < how to barbecue. This will get your ass shot (right after it is
< <You're lucky we let you come down here at all. Criticize our
<barbeque, and you will go home in a pine box. Minus your ass.
< < << <
< < << <_________________________________________________________________
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< < << <
< < << <
< < << <
< < <<
< < <
< < <
< <
< < =7F
< <