Enron Mail

To:louis.dicarlo@enron.com, mark.breese@enron.com
Subject:Re: Carolina Power & Light
Date:Mon, 11 Dec 2000 06:15:00 -0800 (PST)

TP #6562, North Carolina Nat Gas, is a true backhaul from the Z6 210 Pool.
TP #6068 is the Trasnco interconnect with Col Gas at Dranesville. This point
is also a true backhaul from the Z6 210 Pool.
The meter number for Public Serv. NC is TP #6608, and this is also a true
backhaul from the Z6 210 Pool.

Louis Dicarlo@ENRON
12/11/2000 01:26 PM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Mark Breese/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Carolina Power & Light

Chris, thanks for the help on Friday.

I got two numbers from Tammi De Paolis. In her voice message she referred to
these numbers as meter numbers and then later as transfer point numbers so
I'm not sure which they are. One number is 6562 and the other is 6068
(Public Serv. NC).

From this information can you determine whether these points are on the
Transco mainline or a lateral off the mainline?
