Enron Mail

To:jeffrey.porter@enron.com, michael.garred@enron.com, dave.scott@enron.com
Subject:The New Power -Purchase/Sales October Production
Cc:scott.goodell@enron.com, mary.ellenberger@enron.com, audrey.cook@enron.com,alvin.thompson@enron.com
Bcc:scott.goodell@enron.com, mary.ellenberger@enron.com, audrey.cook@enron.com,alvin.thompson@enron.com
Date:Fri, 10 Nov 2000 07:36:00 -0800 (PST)

Mary downloaded the purchases and the sales to excel. I spot checked some of
the deals and they look good to me. There are 2 small deals that are
missing, deals 480324 and 480325. These deals are related to the CGLF NYMX
purchase. I had the buy/sale on CGLF. I didn't enter the buy/sale on CGAS
until this afternoon. Alvin should have these tracked and balance early next
week. The dollar impact should be very small.

Remember, I'm out next week.

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 11/10/2000 03:29
PM ---------------------------

Mary Ellenberger@ENRON
11/10/2000 03:08 PM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: The New Power -Purchase/Sales October Production