Enron Mail

Subject:Update from India
Date:Thu, 27 Apr 2000 09:17:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 04/27/2000 04:16
PM ---------------------------

"Chad Germany" <chadgermany@hotmail.com< on 04/22/2000 10:34:55 AM
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Subject: Update from India

Greetings from India. Just a brief update to let you all know what is
happening. This week I finished a 3 week teaching course on the Book of
Romans, with 8 students from one of the schools in Kodai. I think that is
the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life. I asked the students
one day who lead them to Christ. Everyone single one of them have been
saved through the ministry that I and Jonathan Daniels have been doing in
their school over the last year. But what was even more exciting than that
was the fact that only one of them was from a Christian family. All of the
others were from Hindu families, except one who was from a Muslim family.
That young man's name is Anifa. He came to Christ through one of the
pograms I did last year at his school. In just one year he has grown so
much, and is known campus wide as young man of integrity and devotion to
Christ. Already he has lead several other young men to the Lord. Anifa
will honestly spend hours at a time waiting on God, and the whole school
knows that he is a man of prayer. Recently Anifa asked me if I would teach
him how to preach, because he said he believes that God wants him to go back
and reach his people for Jesus.
Until Anifa shared his testimony with me, I was getting a little frustrated,
because I thought that in all of my time here in India, I had not won a
single Muslim to Christ. Now I can leave Kodaikanal confidently, because I
have won one young man to Christ, and I know that he will win many others.
Please be praying for a team from North Texas District lead by John Bates,
and a team from San Antonio First Assembly of God lead by Andy Hostetler.
They will be coming in June and July. We will be starting 2 new Churches,
and ministering in the schools.
And please continue to pray for the new Church in Shenoy Nagar that was
started last summer by the team from Southwestern.
I look forward to seeing you all this year. Angela and I are praying about
God's direction for our future. Please pray with us that for God's guidance
as we plan for our future together. God bless.

Chad Germany

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