Enron Mail

Subject:New Deals for Pocono and Long Ridge Farms
Cc:lashonda.poledore@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,katherine.kelly@enron.com
Bcc:lashonda.poledore@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,katherine.kelly@enron.com
Date:Wed, 19 Jan 2000 08:19:00 -0800 (PST)

Molly - Chris Germany preferred to have new deals for these. These are
necessary due to there being two different transportation adjustments for the
producers' group of meters (points). The existing deals are OK for certain
meters, but new deals are needed for the other meters. Please modify
existing deals and provide new deals as follows:

Producer Prod Dates Deal# These Only

Pocono Energy Corp 9911 - 0002 103058 1125631 existing pricing OK - 100%
CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I +1 winter with -0.02 transportation adj
1125642 existing pricing OK - 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I +1 winter with
-0.02 transportation adj
1125651 existing pricing OK - 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I +1 winter with
-0.02 transportation adj

9911 - 0002 New Deal 1125629 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I +1 winter with
-0.218 transportation adj
1125708 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I +1 winter with -0.218
transportation adj

Long Ridge Farms 9911 - 0002 103071 1154516 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I with
-0.02 transportation adj
1154517 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I with -0.02 transportation adj

9911 - 0002 New Deal 1154522 100% CNG.APPAL.IF.M.I with -0.218
transportation adj

I need these as soon as you can.

Thanks WRP