Enron Mail

To:gloria.barkowsky@enron.com, mary.franklin@enron.com
Subject:Re: CNG Direct Meters 01/00
Cc:bryce.baxter@enron.com, carrie.hollomon@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com
Bcc:bryce.baxter@enron.com, carrie.hollomon@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com
Date:Tue, 7 Mar 2000 03:01:00 -0800 (PST)

I'm sorry but as a manager, I spent the vast portion of my days and evenings
involved in trading activities, in meetings and trying to put out fires. I
have also been receiving on average 2 or 3 of these requests per day and I
usually don't even begin looking at these until 6 in the evening. Some are
quick fixes, but the majority lately have not been. Todays calendar isn't
looking much better.

I contacted Wade on this last week, but have not received anything. I hate
to hold you back from making your payments, which is why we have spent
another good chunk of time justifying a new position under Carrie Hollomon to
handle these types of requests. That position is now to be filled by Teri
Franklin. I'm sure that she is not totally up to speed on everything such as
sitara, so please continue to be patient for awhile.

So that this whole process might be sped up a little faster, I would like to
suggest that you obtain the pricing information from either Lashonda or Wade
and then pass the information that you need set up in it's entirety to Teri.
If the information is provided in it's entirety this will keep us from
setting up deals with incorrect pricing. Which then causes us to have to go
back and do further rework when either Wade of Lashonda informs us of the
error, which is exactly what I received an
email on earlier this morning.


If you need any help with sitara or any other type of training in setting up
these deals, please let either myself, Victor, Chris, or Brenda know and we
will try to answer your questions. Thanks for your help!


Gloria G Barkowsky
03/07/2000 10:38 AM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: LaShonda Poledore/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CNG Direct Meters 01/00

Katherine - what is the status on the Triad and Pacific Atlantic? Lashonda
or Wade should be able to
give you pricing. Please let me know. Thanks, Gloria

To: Gloria G Barkowsky/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CNG Direct Meters 01/00

These should all now be done now, with the exception of the two Triad ENergy
meters and meter 3582101 for Pacific Atlantic. I couldn't find any previous
deals for Triad ENergy at all or for that meter of Pacific Atlantic. I can
set up new tickets, but I will need how they should be priced.

Gloria G Barkowsky
03/02/2000 01:59 PM
To: Molly LaFuze/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, LaShonda
Subject: CNG Direct Meters 01/00

Please add these meters to these deals for 01/00:

Meter Deal

1185605 103053
1193902 117712
3423501 101207
3423601 "
3423701 "
3423801 "
3428401 "
3429001 "
3429601 "
3502801 "

These meters need to be added to 01/00 production, not sure of the deal #:
1009005 Villers Donnally
3557501 Triad ENergy
4348401 "
3478201 Central Pacific Group
3582101 Pacific Atlantic
1193901 "

Please let me know when they are in. Thanks, Gloria 3-7118