Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Local Production July 00
Cc:kdestep@ceg.com, dkinney@ceg.com, chris_germany@enron.com,jdietric@enron.com, rsurwill@enron.com, hboyd@ceg.com
Bcc:kdestep@ceg.com, dkinney@ceg.com, chris_germany@enron.com,jdietric@enron.com, rsurwill@enron.com, hboyd@ceg.com
Date:Fri, 14 Jul 2000 00:37:00 -0700 (PDT)


An Amendment to Appendix "C" will need to completed by both the pool that the
meters are being transferred from and the pool that the meters are being
transferred to. I have discussed this issue with Heidi Boyd at Columbia
and I believe she will complete this form on their behalf in order to delete
meters. You will also need to complete this form in order to add the meters
Clinton's LGA pool once the Pooling Agreement has been completed and the pool
becomes effective. I will fax the form to Heidi this morning. It must also
signed by the producer. Please confirm your fax number (614-760-2794) and I
will be happy to fax the form to you as well.


"Paul J Leanza" <pleanza@enron.com< on 07/13/2000 05:34:12 PM

To: Carol A. Miller/HQ/PG/CNG@CNGNOTES
cc: kdestep@ceg.com, dkinney@ceg.com, "Chris Germany"
<Chris_Germany@enron.com<, "John Dietrich" <jdietric@enron.com<, "Ron
Surwill" <rsurwill@enron.com<, hboyd@ceg.com
Subject: Re: Local Production July 00

Once our production pool is set up, I would like to transfer the CES/ENA
into our pool. What do you need from me to transfer these meters?


---------------------- Forwarded by Paul J Leanza/DUB/EES on 07/13/2000 05:23

Chris Germany@ECT
07/13/2000 04:58 PM

To: Paul J Leanza/DUB/EES@EES
Subject: Re: Local Production July 00

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 07/13/2000 03:58

hboyd@columbiaenergygroup.com on 07/13/2000 12:58:49 PM

To: " - *Carol_A_Miller@dom.com" <Carol_A_Miller@dom.com<
cc: " - *Destephanis, Kara" <kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com<, " - *Kinney,
Doug" <dkinney@columbiaenergygroup.com<, " - *chris.germany@enron.com"
Subject: Re: Local Production July 00

Hi Carol,

Can you help me with the below information? I am looking to turn over our
local production. After August we won't be in business anymore and this local
production that is in our name is really Enron North America's local
production. I had suggested that Enron (Chris Germany) set up a local agg
pool or if he was selling it to someone else to let me know so that we can
this production over ASAP. I am looking to write a letter to Peoples to give
them formal intent and need to know if I need to include meter identification
numbers in the letter (currently I do not know what these numbers are).

I apologize for this being such a mess, but I have been trying to get this
cleared up and seem to have no luck.

Thanks again for your help.

Subject: Local Production July 00

Hi Karen,

Please nominate a volume of 24,800 dth's for the month of July 00 for CES'
local production.

Please let me know if you need something more from me. I understand that
Clinton Energy is setting up a pool and will soon be able to take over our
local production. I will be sending in a letter soon relinquishing the local
production, is there a meter number or identification number that I will need
to mention in the letter?

Heidi Boyd