Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Cash Deposits That Need Coding - Co 0446
Cc:larry.cash@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com, ed.mcmichael@enron.com,margaret.dhont@enron.com, jerry.britain@enron.com
Bcc:larry.cash@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com, ed.mcmichael@enron.com,margaret.dhont@enron.com, jerry.britain@enron.com
Date:Tue, 11 Jun 2002 09:28:31 -0700 (PDT)


I just faxed you the screenprint that Larry Cash gave me that describes the=
$14.6 million Sithe payment. Please contact Larry Cash or Jerry Britain t=
o coordinate getting the cash applied to the correct account.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Germany, Chris =20
Sent:=09Monday, June 10, 2002 12:56 PM
To:=09Concannon, Ruth
Cc:=09Dhont, Margaret
Subject:=09FW: Cash Deposits That Need Coding - Co 0446

Ruthy, have you ever heard of Sithe. If yes, can you answer Margaret's que=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dhont, Margaret =20
Sent:=09Monday, June 10, 2002 11:28 AM
To:=09Germany, Chris
Subject:=09FW: Cash Deposits That Need Coding - Co 0446


Did commercial settle with Sithe that would have resulted in us receiving $=
14,634,671.65 on May 31, 2002. Know anything about this??
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Britain, Jerry =20
Sent:=09Monday, June 10, 2002 9:01 AM
To:=09Aguilar, Darrell; Alexander, Ellen; Appelget, Russell L; Ayers, Sarah=
; Barta, Tammy; Becton, Pam; Blaskowski, Carrie; Bob, Winston; Bone, Vicki;=
Brannen, Debra; Britain, Jerry; Brown, Dennis K.; Brown, Jim; Bunting, Chr=
isty; Burnett, Stacey; Camacho, Noemi; Camarillo, Juan; Campbell, Melissa; =
Cash, Larry; Clark, Elise; Clifford, Nicole; Cockrell, Rainier; Corrigan, J=
im; Davis, Frank L.; Dhont, Margaret; Doner, Max; Downey, Patricia; East, L=
aynie; Fischer, Mary; Francis-Kistow, Karen; Free, Darryl S.; Gowen, Theres=
a; Haralson, Nancy L; Helton, Susan; Hernandez, Elizabeth L.; Herrera, Olga=
; Herrmann, Karen; Jackson, Nikole; Johnson, Eric; Johnson, Trenton; Kanell=
opoulos, Drew; Kennedy, Phyllis R.; Klussmann, Troy; Koerselman, Lisa; Koke=
nge, Johnna; LaBaume, Wanda; Lamb, Marnie; Leneveu, Dan; Lessor, James N.; =
Lew, Elsie; Long, Lindsay; Massey, Rachel; Matheson, A.k.; Medwedeff, Mark;=
Miroballi, Angelo; Moryl, Heidi; Nelson, Kimberley; Newgard, Jim; Nguyen, =
Quyen; Nutt, Jeff; Orellana, Richard; Peoples, Dexter; Pittenger, Cathy; Pr=
att, Roxanna; Quaintance Jr., Alan; Quirsfeld, Amy; Ray, Sara; Reidy, John;=
Scheibe, Charles ; Sherrill, Cathy; Shoup, Cynthia; Siewert, Sherri; Smit=
h, Angela; Smith, Jeff E.; Solis, Alicia; Sweet, Trudy; Ueckert, Allen W.; =
Umbower, Denae; Varkey, Shiji; Vickers, Rodney ; Vos, Theresa; White, Nicol=
e; Wilkinson, Benny; Williams, Gwendolyn; Winfrey, Christa; Wingenter II, R=
Subject:=09Cash Deposits That Need Coding - Co 0446

The following is list of cash received by Co 0446, Citibank, New York, Acco=
unt No. 30469918, where coding is needed so that the cash may be applied:


=0904/10/02=09$25,861.67=09Andex Resources - Inv # EWS 0302
=0904/10/02=09$2,261.30=09Andex Resources - Inv # EWS 0401
=0904/11/02=09$2,113.79=09Enron Enserco, LLC Bank Acct. Closure
=0904/11/02=09$136,783.06=09Enron Enserco, Inc Bank Acct Closure
=0904/19/02=09$7,001.34=09Gulfmark Energy
=0904/19/02=09$56,421.49=09ECTMI Trutta Holdings LP - Condor Service Fee
=0904/30/02=09$1,350.00=09Plains Marketing LP - W20620 - NETOUT
=0905/09/02=09$2,438.58=09Kinder Morgan
=0905/14/02=09$17,495.56=09Peoples Energy Resources - Enron MW, LLC
=0905/14/02=09$3,091,250.34=09Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company - Enron MW=
=0905/17/02=09$800,000.00=09Enron Administration Service Corp Investment Ac=
=0905/20/02=09$4,001.29=09Gulfmark Energy, Inc
=0905/31/02=09$14,634,671.65=09Sithe Independence Funding Pmt 5/31/02

Please provide me with the coding for these items so that the cash can be a=

Thanks for your help.

Jerry L. Britain