Enron Mail

To:louis.dicarlo@enron.com, michael.bridges@enron.com, ruth.concannon@enron.com,chris.germany@enron.com, robin.barbe@enron.com
Subject:FW: Form of Presentation to the BTRC
Date:Mon, 1 Apr 2002 15:46:31 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Zisman, Stuart =20
Sent:=09Monday, April 01, 2002 2:48 PM
To:=09Schneider, Chip
Cc:=09Semple, Robert; Bartlett, Jeff; Melendrez, Jesus; McMichael Jr., Ed; =
Racicot, Paul; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Sewell, Doug
Subject:=09Form of Presentation to the BTRC


As you are aware, I met with Bob Semple this morning regarding the presenta=
tions being made before the BTRC. Bob is of the view that these presentati=
ons are often too long and detailed for the entire BTRC audience and that t=
he presentation style/format should be modified slightly. We agreed on the=
following: (1) the old presentations (which were generally several pages =
in length and contained more detailed information) should continue to be pr=
epared, (2) an "executive summary" should be prepared (on a single page) as=
a cover sheet to the "old style" presentation, (3) the executive summary s=
hould be limited to the proposed transaction, associated economics and othe=
r highly pertinent information (such as ownership, debtor vs. non-debtor, t=
hird party liabilities, etc.) and (4) the actual presentation at the BTRC m=
eeting should be limited to the items reflected on the executive summary an=
d although the "old style" presentations should be distributed to BTRC part=
icipants (under cover of the executive summary), the information contained =
therein should not be discussed or referred to unless questions arise durin=
g the BTRC meeting that justify doing so.

If any of this is unclear (or if you have a principled objection to making =
this change), please give me a call.

