Enron Mail

To:scott.neal@enron.com, ed.mcmichael@enron.com, robin.barbe@enron.com,chris.germany@enron.com, dick.jenkins@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com
Subject:CES Retail Negotiation
Date:Wed, 5 Jan 2000 05:32:00 -0800 (PST)

There are still several issues in the CES retail contract that need to be
resolved as soon as possible. In order to be productive in our meetings, I
am sending each of you a copy of the Retail agreements to review before we
meet with CES (they will be hand delivered). Please review them, especially
the schedules and exhibits, so we can finalize all the issues without having
to go back and check on a bunch of items.

I have set up the first meeting with CES on Friday, January 7th at 11:00
am--I will let you know the conference room location later. Please advise
ASAP if you cannot attend. Also please review the following list of issues
to be resolved and let me know by 10:00 am January 6th if you know of any
others to be added so that I can send CES an agenda.

Issues to be resolved:

Transportation Contract #65403
Verification of Exhibit 1 data--make sure documentation reflects agreed upon
pricing methodology
Finalize storage proxy schedules and agree on pricing mechanism for
theoretical versus physical storage injections & withdrawals
Intraday nomination procedures

Pittsburgh vs. Herndon issues

Retail vs Wholesale questions: Beth Steel, Erestec, Allied Signal, CALP, GELP

Nomination issues
load estimation-specifically AGL
nomination change deadlines and associated pricing

Process for data exchanges both first of the month and daily.

Thanks for your prompt response.