Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Aristech Chemical - Makeup gas
Cc:jesse.villarreal@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com
Bcc:jesse.villarreal@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com
Date:Tue, 11 Apr 2000 03:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

Make-up gas for 4/12

83/81/79 Gulf/mainline/COH 3-15 (make-up for March short)
359/349/341 Gulf/mainline/SIT (make-up for 4/4 mainline cut, but kept whole
out of SIT to COH 3-15.

Kara, new number delivered to coh 3-15 for 4/12 only is 79+16476 = 16555
Jesse, new number from Gulf for 4/12 only is 83+359+17333 = 17775
John, the reminder will be schelduled in SIT for 4/12 = 341


jwhited@columbiaenergygroup.com on 04/11/2000 07:54:22 AM
To: " - *Jvillar@enron.com" <Jvillar@enron.com<, " -
*Joan.Veselack@enron.com" <Joan.Veselack@enron.com<

Subject: Aristech Chemical

Hi guys. Do you think we can do this for tomorrow, 4/12? Let me know.
---------------------- Forwarded by John Whited/CES/ColumbiaGas on 04/11/2000
08:50 AM ---------------------------

John Whited
04/07/2000 04:34 PM

To: Joan.Veselack@enron.com, Jvillar@enron.com
Subject: Aristech Chemical

Hi Joanie. Per our discussion on Friday, April 7, please execute the
changes to be effective Tuesday, April 11.

Please deliver 359 Dth from CGT Mainline to Aristech's SIT account number
41026. Their SIT imbalance is 341 Dth. This occured on April 4.

359 x .9718 Mainline shrink =349 Dth at TCO
349 x .97816 TCO shrink =341 Dth at SIT accounting point.

Also, please don't forget the 85 Dth from March that we need to deliver to
these guys in April. Thanks.