Enron Mail

To:chris.germany@enron.com, dick.jenkins@enron.com, colleen.sullivan@enron.com
Subject:Re: CES Supply Management Agreement
Date:Fri, 2 Jun 2000 05:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here is some detail on the contracts mentioned in the brief...

For these 5 contracts, ENA/CES has Right of First Refusal for the next bid
process. Jeff Porter at CES is aware of TCO's deadline for matching. Rate for
these five contracts is $5.171/month. They expire 10/31/2000.
61822 4,000/d delivery to 23n-7
61825 4,000/d delivery to 23n-2
61838 1,000/d delivery to 23-4
61990 2,000/d delivery to 23-4
65418 500/d delivery to 23n-7

These five contracts have various terms and delivery points. No Right of
First Refusal.
64939 2,300/d delivery to COH 8-35 term ends 9/30/2000 $6.3980 Max
62164 2,000/d delivery to COH 7-9 term ends 12/31/2000 $3.0417 Discounted
65041 9,619/d delivery to Various Op-25 term ends 10/31/2000 $6.4860 Max
65042 4,427/d delivery to 25e-25 term ends 10/31/2000 $6.4860 Max
65108 5,000/d delivery to 4 (BG&E) term ends 4/30/2001 $6.449 Max

Let me know if you need any additional information.

Chris Germany@ECT
06/02/2000 11:07 AM
To: Scott Goodell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Molly Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: CES Supply Management Agreement

Hi team. Do not discuss this with anyone at CES or EES please. May not be a
problem but just in case.

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 06/02/2000 11:06
AM ---------------------------

Timothy L Ray@EES
06/02/2000 10:48 AM
To: Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Henderson/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: CES Supply Management Agreement

New Power Company is current working on the acquisition of CES' mass market
customers. In light of the acquisition, there are issues that surround our
relationship with ENA as we step into the supply management agreement. Below
are the observations that I have. I would like to get you feedback on
these. If necessary, let's get together to discuss the ramifications.

1) We are purchasing customers within only twelve markets. As such, we will
only interpret the language of the agreement related to "existing markets" as
applying to only those twelve markets. For other markets that we conduct
business in, we would choose to make a decision on supplier and load
management even if it is an LDC identified as an existing market under the
agreement. In essence, we see the supply management agreement being
bi-furcated since CES is selling C&I to another marketer.

2) My interpretation is that New Power Company will only be on the hook for
capacity and storage charges as they apply to mass markets. This would
include capacity and/or storage allocations received on CVA, CMD, AGL. In
addition, it would include the FSS and SST purchased on COH. It would also
include the following transportation agreements: 61822, 61825, 61838, 61990,
64939, 65418, 62164. There are some capacity agreements on TCO for
CPA(65041, 65042) and BGE(65108) that were purchased by CES for both C&I and
mass markets. It is our contention that we will only be on the hook for the
demand charges related to the capacity covering mass market purchase
commitments identified in the schedules of the purchase agreement . All
un-utilized capacity would to stay with CES and/or buyer of the C&I

3) We need to discuss the application of the contract to additional capacity
that New Power procures applicable to the periods prior to Apr. 1, 2001. I
want to keep this capacity separate and under our control. I will need your
viewpoint on this. If ENA feels strongly that we must place the capacity
under the supply management agreement, then I would want to discuss our
ability to market any excess capacity in open market. Bottom-line, I want to
avoid gas costs being inflated due to my inability to receive value for
un-utilized capacity.

4) I would like to get your viewpoint on the right of first refusal clause.
My view would be that its applicable would be made to transactions of similar
nature and service level. (supply management) To the degree that New Power
chose after the primary term to manage its supply, all supply only
transactions would not be subject to this clause.

I know you will need to review the contract. We have some time to discuss
these issues, but would like to have feedback from you no later than next
Friday, if at all possible. I can be reached at ext 39475. Thanks for your