Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Columbia Energy Services Corporation ("CES")
Cc:robin.barbe@enron.com, stacy.dickson@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,dick.jenkins@enron.com, billy.lemmons@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, colleen.sullivan@enron.com
Bcc:robin.barbe@enron.com, stacy.dickson@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com,dick.jenkins@enron.com, billy.lemmons@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, colleen.sullivan@enron.com
Date:Tue, 25 Jan 2000 01:29:00 -0800 (PST)

My only suggestion are as follows:
(1) We need to be more explicit about the de-coupling of the assets from the
gas that is delivered to CES by ENA. As such, I would recommend that we
expand Sections 4.1 and 4.2 to include a CES paper pool storage or bank
which gets credits (theoretical injections) and debits (theoretical
withdrawals). The credits to the bank would be made in accordance with the
"Theoretical Storage Injection Schedule (TSIS)" as per 4.2 and Exhibit 2.
The debits to the bank would be made per the daily CES nominations on days
when the retail demand is greater than the daily purchase quantity defined on
Exhibit 1. The one exception to this de-coupling is that all of the
debits/credits would be subject to operational constraints imposed by the Gas
Storage Contracts and the Gas Transportation Contracts. The constraints
should only come into play with the debits, as the TSIS (which by definition
will be less than the daily MDIQ) would rarely be impacted by constraints.
At the end of the term, the bank balance and the physical storage balance
will need to be equal. If not, provision needs to be made for a post term

(2) In the last sentence of Section 4.1, should the remedy for CES's failure
to notify in a timely manner be "penalties" or "ENA damages," which would
include both penalties and trading losses &/or opportunity costs? I am not
certain, but I understood it to be the latter.

Jenny Helton
01/24/2000 04:12 PM
To: Robin Barbe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris
Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dick Jenkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Billy
Lemmons/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ed McMichael/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Columbia Energy Services Corporation ("CES")

Per Jeff Hodge.

Here is an initial draft of an Agreement to finalize the retail issues.
Please note that I have not included anything on gas buy back yet. I would
like to get some confirmation on that issue before drafting.

Otherwise, your thoughts and comments will be appreciated. I look forward to
hearing from you.