Enron Mail

To:kevin.ruscitti@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com
Subject:Update of CES June '00 FOM Requirements
Cc:molly.johnson@enron.com, cdalpho@columbiaenergygroup.com,dscott1@columbiaenergygroup.com, knovsek@columbiaenergygroup.com, djones1@columbiaenergygroup.com, kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com, hboyd@columbiaenergygroup.com, cfrankl2@enron.com, joan.vese
Bcc:molly.johnson@enron.com, cdalpho@columbiaenergygroup.com,dscott1@columbiaenergygroup.com, knovsek@columbiaenergygroup.com, djones1@columbiaenergygroup.com, kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com, hboyd@columbiaenergygroup.com, cfrankl2@enron.com, joan.vese
Date:Thu, 25 May 2000 10:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

The attached file is an update of the CES FOM June'00 request that was
transmitted on 5/23/00. The changes between this version and the original
version are listed in the worksheet labelled "Comments". The most
change is an approximate 1400 dth/day reduction in our daily delivery to WGL
off TCO.

The worksheet labelled 'Total Reqs.' and the one labelled 'Jun00 EPA Vols'
volume requirements at the various citygates. I have not adjusted our volume
requirements to reflect supply from local production behind some LDCs per
Germany's e-mail of 5/24/00. However, I have inserted notes indicating where
and what portion of the citygate volumes shown, will be supplied by local
production per Chris's aforementioned e-mail.

Also: The volumes in the attached are requested pursuant to the 12/99 Energy
Purchase Agreement between Enron and CES. During June 2000 CES will be
procuring additonal volumes from Enron under a separate deal, which should not
be confused with this request.

Doug Kinney
Ph: 703-561-6339
Fax: 703-561-7317

- Jun00_FOM_Req2.xls