Enron Mail

Subject:NESA / HEA Calgary and Ziff Energy Gas Storage
Date:Fri, 1 Jun 2001 05:52:08 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings NESA / HEA Members!

Attached below for your review are flyers for upcoming NESA / HEA Sponsored

Second Annual NESA / HEA Calgary Conference June 7 & 8 in Calgary, Alberta,
Ziff Energy Group Gas Storage Conference June 22 in Houston, Texas

Please take a moment to review the attached flyers and make plans to attend
these events TODAY. Contact Tracy Cummins at (713) 856-6525 or via email at
tracy.cummins@nesanet.org <mailto:tracy.cummins@nesanet.org< with any

<<FLYER 2001.doc<< <<Email May 29 NESA.doc<<

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- FLYER 2001.doc
- Email May 29 NESA.doc