Enron Mail

Subject:RDI Electric Atlas - North American Edition $500 savings - Ord
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 09:14:38 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] =09

=09 Introductory price of $1,495 o=
nly good through November 16, 2001 CALL 800-424-2908 to order today! This=
must-have resource provides a virtual tour of the North American power sy=
stem that will be invaluable for business investors, industry experts, tra=
ders, analysts, or anyone else who wants to understand how the entire syst=
em works. The RDI Electric Power Atlas is a 270-page spiral-bound refere=
nce work. Each 11" X 17" full-color page shows these key features: [IMAG=
E] Existing power plants larger than 25 megawatts, symbolized by cap=
acity and fuel, and labeled with operator and name. [IMAGE]=
Existing and proposed transmission lines, 115 kV and above, identif=
ied by voltage and number of lines. [IMAGE] Substatio=
ns and line taps connected to the grid at 115 kV and above. =
[IMAGE] All IOU service territories. [IMAGE] Al=
l non-IOU and municipal service territories. [IMAGE] R=
TO/ISO pricing regions. [IMAGE] State capitals and ma=
jor cities. [IMAGE] Interstate, federal, and state hig=
hways. [IMAGE] Rivers and bodies of water. =
[IMAGE] Insets of 17 metropolitan areas. [IMAGE] =
Megawatt Dailypricing regions. Although it offers a highly detaile=
d look at the electric power infrastructure of North America, this remarka=
ble atlas has been condensed into a handy, portable format. It's a power s=
upply expert's bible for planning, analysis, and trading activity througho=
ut the North American continent. Introductory price of $1,495 if purchas=
ed before November 16, 2001. That's a savings of $500 off the list price of=
$1,995. To order your comprehensive atlas, contact us today: Tel 800-42=
4-2908 (toll free), 720-548-5700 (direct) E-mail custserv@ftenergy.com Re=
ference priority code 788 to receive this limited-time discount price. I=
f you wish to unsubscribe from this Platts promotion, click here and typ=
e UNSUBSCRIBE ELECTRIC ATLAS in the subject line, then send. [IMAGE] =
=09 =09