Enron Mail

Subject:h:Eyeforenergy Briefing
Date:Wed, 30 May 2001 09:48:14 -0700 (PDT)


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Thursday, May 31, 2001 Issue 29 EDITORIAL Today and Tomorrow-what As=
ia faces and what we've all learned from the past As you probably know, th=
e Eyeforenergy team is off to Mexico next week for our Latin American e-bus=
iness in energy conference. But to prove that our interests are global, ou=
r Insight article this week focuses on the state of the energy in Asia. Li=
ke their colleagues in Latin America, Europe and North America, energy exec=
utives in Asia are facing a host of changes-e-business, regulatory changes,=
and the commercialization of alternative and micro energy sources. All of=
these are examined in the article below, and it paints an interesting pict=
ure of the state of play in Asia today and what sort of challenges they fac=
e tomorrow. In other news, the move towards online trading continues apac=
e in the energy industry (unlike recent developments in most other industri=
es) with announcements by Pantellos and Duke Energy North America. Pantell=
os' move into the international arena with its procurement solution points =
towards the increasing use of online marketplaces in the energy supply chai=
n (or at least a refusal to give up in the wake of Petrocosm's demise). =
While Duke's announcement of their move to OpenLink's software points tow=
ards the increasing use of Internet technology on the commodity side of ene=
rgy trading. Either way, the energy sector seems to be one of the few bri=
ght spots in the wake of the dot com gloom. The energy industry's measured =
response and refusal to jump on the e-commerce bandwagon at the start seems=
to be proving dividends now. Perhaps the rest of the new economy is learn=
ing what it seemed that the energy industry always knew-the Internet is jus=
t another tool (a useful one, but just a tool) and at the end of the day yo=
u still need to get the oil out of the ground and the electricity to the cu=
stomers. Q&A Mirroring the Marketplace Founded in late 1997, Ex=
celergy Corporation, Lexington, Mass., a developer of software products and=
technologies for online energy marketplaces, is one of several companies p=
roviding products and services in this arena. Recently, eyeforenergy conta=
cted Jay Sherry, vice president of global marketing, to discuss hybrid busi=
ness models and approaches and the issues that face those trying to impleme=
nt them. Hybrid approaches to conducting e-commerce transactions online ar=
e rapidly finding a home in the retail energy space. Such approaches are n=
ot being implemented for altruistic reasons; instead, for some, it's become=
the means to survival. Determining other uses for existing technological =
expertise... Click here for Full Story FOCUS E-procurement- is it so=
much more than buying and selling goods and services online? E-procureme=
nt involves companies buying their supplies online. As B2B e-commerce has b=
ecome the next big thing in the corporate world. The chief beneficiaries of=
this trend are a growing list of software vendors, like Ariba and WebMetho=
ds, which provide applications that enable electronic procurement and also =
create Web-based trading communities. In recent years, many Internet comme=
rce procurement application offerings have come to market addressing the au=
tomation and economics of the procurement process. Service companies have b=
egun to implement e-procurement applications and consult around the entire =
e-procurement process. Outsourcers... Click here for Full Story Fuel Ce=
ll and Microturbine Roundup The energy wires have been humming this past =
week with word of new and exciting technologies from the world of distribut=
ed generation, fuel cells, microturbines, solar photovoltaic and wind. Word=
of increased rolling brownouts and power interruptions in the west and pre=
ssure from environmental groups concerned over co2 emissions are shining th=
e light on renewable energy sources as the world gears up to make sure the =
stream of power continues unabated. With the dot-com meltdown in full swin=
g venture capitalists in search of the "next big thing," are casting their =
eye on the energy sector. If you listen carefully you will be able to hear =
the words of an old song drifting on the wind, "Welcome back my friends to =
the show that never ends, we're so... Click here for Full Story INSIGH=
T Energy Opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region With e-commerce in th=
e Asia sector poised to explode, reaching 28 percent of the world's total b=
y 2005, it's small wonder that the region has a firm eye on energy. B2B Int=
ernet commerce in the Asia/Pacific region (including Japan) reached US 96.8=
billion in 2000 or 22 percent of the worldwide total of US $433.3 billion.=
The Asia Pacific region has enjoyed a rapid economic expansion in recent =
decades with a corresponding demand for electricity. This has placed a seve=
re strain on the ability of individual economies in the area to expand thei=
r electricity infrastructure capacity rapidly enough to meet the surge in..=
. Click here for Full Story ADVERTISEMENT [IMAGE] Landmark Graphics a=
nd Petroleum Place -- Accelerating Business Efficiency Landmark Graphics =
and Petroleum Place Delivers Enormous Efficiencies within Acquisition and D=
ivestiture. How? Through online delivery of data and evaluation tools withi=
n an APS environment to afford dramatic efficiencies for both sellers and b=
uyers. Visit www.petroleumplace.com [IMAGE] NEW! GLOBAL ENERGY REPORTS E=
merging Markets Online specializes in global energy reports. Dozens of new =
reports are now available, including Latin American Oil and Gas Report, Pow=
er Generation in Latin America, Iraq Oil and Gas Report, European Energy Li=
beralization, Gas and Power in India, and more. The site includes news and=
a Global Energy Projects Database! Register now to view FREE executive sum=
maries at http://www.emerging-markets.com/login/energyreports.asp [IMAGE]=
NEWS ROUND UP - WEEK IN REVIEW Trade-Ranger Teams With Wellogix for Onl=
ine Collaboration and Procurement Trade-Ranger and Wellogix are teaming u=
p to enable an online solution for collaboration and procurement of tailor =
made goods and services. Tailor-made goods and services represent more tha=
n 60 percent of the buying and selling activity in the energy and petrochem=
ical industries. Trade-Ranger and Wellogix together are reportedly the fir=
st to provide Internet tools for this type of trading. "Our customers have=
told us that Trade-Ranger... Click here for Full Story PG?Offers Incen=
tives to Lower Energy Use PG?is using technology from Silicon Energy to a=
ddress California's energy concerns with incentives for commercial and indu=
strial customers to lower energy use during peak hours. Silicon Energy, a =
provider of Internet-based Enterprise Energy Management technology, today a=
nnounced that Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has selected its EEM =
Suite(TM) energy technology software as the infrastructure for PG&E's new I=
nter-Act program. Inter-Act was designed to promote... Click here for Full =
Story Step Right Up and Place Your Bets on Alternative Energy For t=
he past thirty years the United States has flirted with the development of =
alternative and renewable sources of energy such as wind, and solar power. =
For a nation in lock step with fossil fuels development of alternative ener=
gy sources is a tough road to follow and has been a stumbling black... Clic=
k here for Full Story Pantellos Marketplace Offers Global Transaction S=
ervices Gathersburg, Md. and The Woodlands, Tx, May 24, 2001----Pantellos=
, the online marketplace serving the utility and energy sectors, is offerin=
g global transaction services through GE Global eXchange Services. These T=
hese services will help buyers and sellers exchange business documents thro=
ugh the marketplace in a variety of formats -- allowing Pantellos suppliers=
to leverage their existing investments in electronic data interchange (EDI=
) technology, while benefiting from relationships within the Pantellos... C=
lick here for Full Story Endur Enhances Duke's Commodity Trading Platfo=
rm Houston, May 24, 2001---Duke Energy North America (DENA) is scrapping =
its internal trading and risk management systems and leveraging OpenLink En=
ergy's Endur, to enhance its energy commodities and emissions trading, risk=
management and accounting capabilities. ``OpenLink will provide Duke Ener=
gy with the front-through-back-office solutions necessary to manage our ene=
rgy trading, risk management and operational requirements,'' said Terry Asc=
hbacher, DENA vice president of commercial technology. ``Replacing multiple=
internal systems with Endur will... Click here for Full Story MyUtilit=
y to Offer "Single Portal" for Energy and Communications Products May 24,=
2001---My Utility has announced plans to launch a Website that allows smal=
l commercial and residential the opportunity to buy and manage energy and c=
ommunications products from leading suppliers, through a single portal. Ex=
pected to get underway this autumn. the initiative, developed by former ene=
rgy journalist Paul Miosga, hopes to tap into a latent market of busy inter=
net-literate consumers who want a good deal on their essential services but=
do not have time to shop around for the best price and like the convenienc=
e... Click here for Full Story E-Commerce on Upswing In India A joi=
nt study released Tuesday by the Confederation of Indian Industry and Inter=
national Trade Center and WTO, reports that e-commerce activity in the coun=
try will likely reach rs 250 billion (US$ 5.3 billion) by 2005. The study a=
lso pointed out that Indian internet security applications market... Click =
here for Full Story Latest News Now! [IMAGE] EDITORIAL [IMAG=
E] Today and Tomorrow-what Asia faces and what we've all learned from the p=
ast ARTICLES [IMAGE] Mirroring the Marketplace [IMAGE] E-procurement- is=
it so much more than buying and selling goods and services online? [IMAGE]=
Fuel Cell and Microturbine Roundup [IMAGE] Energy Opportunities in the Asi=
a Pacific Region NEWS ROUND UP [IMAGE] Trade-Ranger Teams With Wellogix =
for Online Collaboration and Procurement [IMAGE] PG?Offers Incentives to L=
ower Energy Use [IMAGE] Step Right Up and Place Your Bets on Alternative E=
nergy [IMAGE] Pantellos Marketplace Offers Global Transaction Services [I=
MAGE] Endur Enhances Duke's Commodity Trading Platform [IMAGE] MyUtility t=
o Offer "Single Portal" for Energy and Communications Products [IMAGE] E-C=
ommerce on Upswing In India EVENTS [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy, Latin America=
[IMAGE] Energy Exchanges Online II [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy, Asia S=
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[IMAGE] =09