Enron Mail

To:chris.germany@enron.com, james.javins@enron.com, heidi.griffith@enron.com,john.singer@enron.com, scott.hendrickson@enron.com
Subject:CNG Notices
Date:Thu, 25 May 2000 07:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

The anticipated capacity for secondary and interupptible receipts and
deliveries on our system for June, 2000 has been posted in E-Script. Notice
that the amount of receipt capacity at our Oakford (Tetco) and Lysander
interconnects has been decreased. Oakford has been cut to 150,000 DT and
Lydsander has been cut to 60,000 Dt.


Customers are urged to review their current storage injections. To
you are able to get your storage accounts full by November 1, it is important
that you maintain uniform injections throughout the injection season.
Dominion Transmission

?s Rate Schedule GSS, GSSII or GSSTE Section 7.4
provides that if Storage Gas Balance is less than or equal to 50% then the
maximum storage injection is limited to 1/180 of storage capacity. When
inventory is greater than 50%, then the maximum injection is limited to 1/214
of storage capacity. In addition, our Tariff allows that customers may over
inject during the summer months as follows:

April thru July 115%
August 107%
Sept. thru Oct. 102%