Enron Mail

To:wade.price@enron.com, gloria.barkowsky@enron.com, mary.franklin@enron.com,lashanda.poledore@enron.com
Subject:Commonwealth Energy, Inc.
Date:Tue, 6 Mar 2001 02:38:00 -0800 (PST)

Please note that the volumes I have listed below are MONTHLY volumes NOT
daily. Sorry about that.

---------------------- Forwarded by Heidi Griffith/DUB/EES on 03/06/2001
09:37 AM ---------------------------

Enron Energy Services

From: Heidi Griffith 03/02/2001 11:45 AM
Phone No: (614)718-6340

To: Brent A Price/Enron@EnronXGate, Gloria G Barkowsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary
Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, LaShanda Poledore/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: John M Singer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, James T Javins/DUB/EES@EES
Subject: Commonwealth Energy, Inc.

FYI. Commonwealth is adding 2 new meters on Dominion Transmission (CNG) and
2 meters on Columbia Gas to their existing contracts. The information is as

Dominion Transmission:
Meter # Well Name County State Est. Volume
4078701 Paugh Barbour WV 150 Dth/Day
New Meter Set Hardin #1 Barbour WV not known yet

Columbia Gas Transmission:
Meter # Well Name County State Est. Volume
629019 Carpenter Upshur WV 150 Dth/Day

Columbia Natural Resources:
Meter # Well Name County State Est. Volume
625033 Rockey Upshur WV 300 Dth/ Day

If you have any questions, please call.
