Enron Mail

Subject:TCO STOW Overage - 1/24
Date:Fri, 28 Jan 2000 02:09:00 -0800 (PST)

Just wanted to make sure you received this.

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 01/28/2000 10:09
AM ---------------------------

From: Joan Veselack @ ENRON 01/27/2000 07:38 PM

To: hboyd@columbiaenergygroup.com, kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com
cc: mstiles@columbiaenergygroup.com, knovsek@columbiaenergygroup.com, Chris
Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dick Jenkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Hendrickson/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joann
Collins/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: TCO STOW Overage - 1/24

Kara/Heidi, please give this to Brian and Melissa.

Because the burns significantly increased on 1/24 from the forecasted amount
(+16749). Contract #63281 was over-run and Storage #51407 was over-withdrawn.
Contract over-run is $.21 per dkt and storage over-withdrawls are $10 per dkt.

Because the forecast was lower, I let Joann use the extra space for CES
Enduser Market. TCO will let me cut gas to CES Enduser Markets as a retro.
Not sure if you want this gas to flow or try to make it up over the weekend.
If you need the gas to flow because of OFO penalties, maybe the storage
over-withdrawal is cheaper than incurring OFO penalties. Please tell me what
you want me to do. Need to do the retro's ASAP while TCO is still feeling

FYI, the traders at Enron talked to Noel Bartlo on Tuesday. Noel said any
costs over the space that retail had (134,710 for choice), Enron had the
right to pass on the costs. I really hope the Noel communicated that to CES
Retail. I would hate to have a huge misunderstanding between Enron and CES
Retail. Remember, we schedulers are caught in the middle... and don't try to
cause unnecessary pain.

63281/236 coh 7-1 2934/2872
63281/170 coh 7-5 1922/1881
63281/99 coh 5-2 427/418
63281/221 cpa8-35 1639/1604
63281/220 cpa8-35 511/500

Total 7433/7275