Enron Mail

To:alex.gonzales@enron.com, critz.smith@enron.com, e-mail <.dan@enron.com<,e-mail <.eric@enron.com<, e-mail <.greg@enron.com<, heather.choate@enron.com, a.hernandez@enron.com, e-mail <.josh@enron.com<, mark.knippa@enron.com, e-mail <.tammy@enron.com<,
Subject:FW: Lest We Forget What it is like
Date:Thu, 20 Jun 2002 13:00:01 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne1857349@cs.com [mailto:Anne1857349@cs.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 1:08 PM
To: vivian@seidata.com; NFLAuthor@aol.com; SignBradyBunch@aol.com; tauruschick5786@yahoo.com; sharonsc@mymailstation.com; kansassuzyq@yahoo.com; rex@kcnet.com; amaxwell@satx.rr.com; sherrie_nielsen@juno.com; outpalmr@greenhills.net; Simmons520@aol.com; bompo@blkhawk.net; reindeer@corecom.net; etwolf@earthlink.net
Subject: Lest We Forget What it is like

Subject: FW: Lest We Forget What it is like

Want to do something to support America in its war on terror. "Thank" a servicemember, our main customer, for the work they are doing. Go to the site below and add your name.

Subject: Thanks to our Soldiers

For our friends, family, and fellow Americans we don't even know who are in uniform.......
If you are so inclined, visit the Department of Defense web page below and sign a brief message thanking the men and women of the U.S. military services for defending our freedom.
The compiled list of names will be sent out to our soldiers at the end
of the month.

So far, there are only about 52,000 names. A shame.

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <WFLemley@cs.com<
To: 1tuf@wcoil.com
CC: BandTGorney@aol.com, benshirl@flash.net, ChrlPhyl63@aol.com, cshutchinson@prodigy.net, Anne1857349@cs.com, donchief@swbell.net, EDelva7334@aol.com, hs145957@eee.org, otistjr@aol.com, r.howell@attbi.com, ahofstad@gvtel.com, RKent20551@cs.com, Shawsdel@aol.com, sweetstu@juno.com, titahn@hotmail.com, tal@ablealarm.com, w_bloss@yahoo.com, WLGreene42@aol.com
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2002 4:19:25 GMT

FYI Bill

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <laceyho12@ifriendly.com<
To: WFLemley@cs.com, John Kirk <john.kirk3@comcast.net<, Jim Jefferson <WnAngelsWn@socal.rr.com<
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:03:24 GMT

Its simple. I signed. Thought you may want to join the group


----- Original Message -----
< Subject: FW: Lest We Forget What it is like
< Want to do something to support America in its war on terror. "Thank" a
< servicemember, our main customer, for the work they are doing. Go to the
< site below and add your name.
< Director
< LMSSC-Huntsville Operations
< Tel:256-722-4011
< Fax:256-722-4617
< bob.drolet@lmco.com
< Subject: Thanks to our Soldiers
< For our friends, family, and fellow Americans we don't even know who are
< in uniform.......
< If you are so inclined, visit the Department of Defense web page below
< and sign a brief message thanking the men and women of the U.S. military
< services for defending our freedom.
< The compiled list of names will be sent out to our soldiers at the end
< of the month.
< So far, there are only about 52,000 names. A shame.
< http://www.defendamerica.mil/nmam.html