Enron Mail

To:clarissa.garcia@enron.com, robert.allwein@enron.com, tracy.wood@enron.com,victor.lamadrid@enron.com, heather.choate@enron.com, judy.townsend@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com, scott.goodell@enron.com
Subject:Breakfast for Transco & Tennessee
Date:Wed, 6 Dec 2000 06:19:00 -0800 (PST)

I spoke with Charles Taylor about this breakfast and he is checking with his
assistant to
get a head count. The day he mentioned is Wednesday, Dec. 13th if that works
for us. He
will get back to me tomorrow. Obviously, all of the schedulers won't be able
to attend, but we
should be back in the office by 9:00, so two of you could possibly go if one
could be here to check
reports for that day before trading gets crazy.

Judy, Chris, Scott -
Let me know who you want included from the customer service group. I already
told them to include Ingrid.

I will keep you posted.

---------------------- Forwarded by Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT on 12/06/2000 12:45
PM ---------------------------

Heather Choate
12/06/2000 01:18 PM
To: Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jesse Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M
Subject: Breakfast for Transco & Tennessee


Victor has mentioned that he thought it would be nice to schedule a
breakfast for Transco & Tennessee.
We had a breakfast at TETCO this morning and it was a huge success.

Could you all work with Transco/Tennesee and let me know what would be a
good morning for them?

I will need the following...

Address & Room #:
Contact Name @ Transco/Tennessee and Phone #:
Setup time: (7:30am?)
Eat time: (8:00am?)
Headcount: - please include those attending from Enron.

Your assistance with this would be greatly appreciated,

Many thanks!
Heather Choate, x33278