Enron Mail

To:mvmo@dynegy.com, lennyhande@cs.com, glamadrid@lsu.edu, adauzat@lsu.edu,david.lowicki@enron.com, regan.smith@enron.com, cathy.craven@ey.com, valerie.tsao@bus.utexas.edu, perdue_scott@hotmail.com, hcaplan@visus.jnj.com, hhw1@compassbnk.com, raylandry@ho
Subject:Share the Spirits Holiday Party
Date:Mon, 4 Dec 2000 05:11:00 -0800 (PST)

Hey all, It looks like my e-mail list never made the invitees list on the
webpage. I think it was a conspiracy, first ELIAN now me....Follow the link
below for the details to our Christmas Party on the 16th at Volcano's and
include yourself in the attending column of the invite page if you can make
it .......Bring friends
---------------------- Forwarded by Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT on 12/04/2000
10:52 AM ---------------------------

Ashley Baxter <ashley.baxter@enron.com<@excitecorp.com< on 12/04/2000
10:58:50 AM
Sent by: Blue Mountain Invite <invite.support@excitecorp.com<
To: <victor.lamadrid@enron.com<
Subject: Share the Spirits Holiday Party

You are invited to Share the Spirits Holiday Party on December 16, 2000.

Click here to pick up and respond to your Invite:


Hello Everyone,
Please click on the link below for more details about our holiday party
on December 16th. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone!
See you there!
Aly Anderson, Ashley Baxter, Jason Berlin, Mandy Curless, Victor
LaMadrid, Steve Roberts, Tara Rosso, Jenny Scheifley, Jennifer Wright
and Tommy Wright