Enron Mail

To:sean.boyle@enron.com, dick.jenkins@enron.com
Subject:Mid-Atlantic Winter Operations Meeting
Date:Thu, 26 Oct 2000 05:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sean may want to go to this.

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 10/26/2000 12:49
PM ---------------------------

Angie Zeman@ENRON
10/26/2000 12:26 PM
To: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Mid-Atlantic Winter Operations Meeting

Does someone need to go to this? -AZ

---------------------- Forwarded by Angie Zeman/Corp/Enron on 10/26/2000
12:18 PM ---------------------------

Polly_A._Lynch@DOM.COM on 10/26/2000 08:40:11 AM
To: ddotson@aglresources.com, gguinn@aglresources.com,
kledbett@aglresources.com, bfreeman@aglresources.com, angie.zeman@enron.com,
betty.j.rosensteel@bge.com, diana.g.cooper@bge.com, mark.n.valavanis@bge.com,
ann.p.cunningham@bge.com, john.l.hays@bge.com,
bonnie.fitzpatrick@cesource.com, daughtryd@ci.richmond.va.us,
johnsonrb@ci.richmond.va.us, mgpl@dynegy.com, w_b_miller@fpl.com,
john_r_wood@fpl.com, steve.rose@piedmontng.com, dfmorrison@pepco.com,
dnewton@scana.com, jcagle@scana.com, mrussell@scana.com, cneri@ugi.com,
duane_blackwell@vapower.com, ronnie_fajohn@vapower.com, phil_rosswog@DOM.COM,
robert_white@vapower.com, Paul_G_Nicholes@DOM.COM, bhamilton@washgas.com,
nhickman@washgas.com, acrescioli@washgas.com, sschultz@washgas.com,
diane.nixon@southernenergy.com, andrew.george@southernenergy.com,
michelle.lawrence@southernenergy.com, smith24c@kochind.com,
robbinsc@kochind.com, dianes@woodwardmarketing.com, kathy_s_reeves@ameren.com
cc: Cynthia_C._Ellis@DOM.COM, Jeffrey_A._Davis@DOM.COM,
Daniel_T._Pollack@DOM.COM, Michael_J_Wilhelm@DOM.COM,
Subject: Mid-Atlantic Winter Operations Meeting

On behalf of Cynthia Ellis, I would like to invite you to attend the annual
Dominion Transmission Mid-Atlantic Winter Operations Meeting to be held at The
Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, VA on November 14, 2000. We have scheduled the
meeting to begin at 10:00 am and last until around 3:00 pm. Lunch will be
provided for you. In order to appropriately plan for food and beverage
please let me know by November 7, 2000 if you plan to attend. I will also
to know if you will require a room reservation for the evening of November 13.
You may respond via e-mail or call me at (304)627-3916. We look forward to
seeing you there!