Enron Mail

To:scott.goodell@enron.com, victoria.versen@enron.com, judy.townsend@enron.com
Subject:Tennessee's CanEast Project and Transco's MarketLink Expansion
Date:Mon, 8 Jan 2001 23:19:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 07:19
AM ---------------------------

John Hodge@ENRON
01/08/2001 05:21 PM
To: Frank W Vickers/NA/Enron@Enron, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie A
Gomez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brad McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dick
Jenkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robin Barbe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan Junek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris
Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Goodell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sean
Subject: Tennessee's CanEast Project and Transco's MarketLink Expansion

Tennessee is finalizing their CanEast project which will scoop the
Independence Pipeline effort and allow Tennessee to deliver 280,000 Dthd into
Leidy beginning in 11/1/01 at the same time the first phase of Transco's
MarketLink begins. The first phase of MarketLink has a capacity of 166,000
Dthd and the second phase is scheduled to begin 11/1/02 with an additional
130,000 Dthd. Tennessee was the successful bidder on a recent open season
that National Fuel had for 19,100 Dthd of space between Niagara and Leidy.
Tennessee has executed a 10 year lease for the space. They will use this
capacity and a 10 year lease arrangement that they are finalizing with
Dominion Transmission for Ellisburg to Leidy capacity to form the basis of
their CanEast Project. The Dominion lease will allow Tennessee to use
unsubscribed Zone L to Zone 4 capacity and deliver approximately 260,000 Dthd
from the Gulf Coast to Leidy. (Dynegy negotiated an index-based, revenue
sharing contract with Tennessee for delivery into Dominion using this
capacity for the 11/1/00 - 10/31/01 period). Tennessee is currently
negotiating with shippers to subscribe to the CanEast capacity. They are
willing to negotiate contracts less than ten years and have negotiated terms
that synch up with the second phase of MarketLink. This should allow
available capacity from the Gulf Coast or Niagara to Leidy or secondary
delivery points such as Dominion (since Phase I of MarketLink is set) for one
year contracts.

As a reminder, firm shippers with binding contracts on MarketLink are:

Phase I (11/1/01 start) Volume Delivery Point Comment

Aquila Energy Marketing 25,000 Dthd Manhattan(Con Ed) Option to change to
11/1/02 start date
Consolidated Edison 30,000 Manhattan(Con Ed)
ConEdison Energy 10,000 Manhattan(Con Ed)
St. Lawrence Cement 1,000 Camden
Williams Energy Marketing 100,000 Manhattan(Con Ed)

Total Phase I 166,000 Dthd

Phase II (11/1/02)

Virginia Power Energy Marketing 100,000 Dthd Trenton-Woodbury Non-New York
PPL Energy Plus 30,000 Princeton Junction Non-New York

Total Phase II 130,000 Dthd

Transco has until the end of April 2001 to file additional binding executed
contracts with the FERC for an additional 404,000 Dthd of Leidy to New York
capacity or the MarketLink Expansion as approved by FERC will be limited to
the 296,000 Dthd of the first two phases.