Enron Mail

To:victor.lamadrid@enron.com, judy.townsend@enron.com, scott.goodell@enron.com,victoria.versen@enron.com
Subject:Transco - 2000 Winter Operations Meetings
Date:Thu, 12 Oct 2000 08:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

I will be out the week of the 13th.

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 03:46
PM ---------------------------

"CustomerNotices, WGPHOU" <WGPHOU.CustomerNotices@Williams.com< on 10/12/2000
02:54:50 PM
Subject: Transco - 2000 Winter Operations Meetings

Media Inquiries: Chris Stockton
(713) 215-2010
Other Inquiries: Ron Doyle (713-215-2921 or Terry Fitch
(713-215-3361)October 12, 2000

TO: All Operators, Producers, Shippers and Customers on the
Williams Gas Pipeline - Transco

RE: 2000 Winter Operations and 1Line Meetings

You are cordially invited to attend one of Transco's three regionally
scheduled 2000 Winter Operations and 1Line meetings.

The meetings are scheduled as follows:

November 7 Newark, New Jersey Hilton
Gateway Hotel

November 8 Charlotte, North Carolina Omni
Charlotte Hotel

November 13 Houston Williams


This year's Winter Operations Meetings have been expanded to include a
variety of material that will be of interest to all customers. The meetings
will focus on three specific areas: (1) the traditional update on
operational plans for the winter, maintenance outages planned for next year
and a customer service update; (2) a 1Line update and discussion on business

practice changes that will require tariff changes; and (3) a review and
discussion of the EDI and flat file datasets for nominations, confirmations
and schedule quantity reports targeted at those customers and their
information technology staff who have expressed an interest in this
information. Transco will also be holding a pre-filing meeting in
DC specifically to address the tariff changes associated with implementation

of the 1Line system. That meeting will be held in mid-November and
will be notified as to time and location in the near future.

The meetings in Newark and Charlotte will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at
approximately 4:00 p.m. Coffee, juice and pastries will be provided before
the meeting and lunch will be served at approximately 11:30 a.m. The
meeting will start at 12:30 p.m. and end at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Refreshments will be provided mid-afternoon.

The agenda for the Newark and Charlotte meetings as well as the Houston
meeting is included below. Please note that the agenda for the Houston
meeting is significantly different than the other meetings.

Please RSVP to Rosina Freeman at 713-215-4054 or via e-mail at
rosina.l.freeman@williams.com no later than Wednesday, October 25, 2000 so
that we can have an accurate count for each meeting.
If you have any questions, please call Rosina Freeman at 713-215-4054. We
hope to see you at
this event.

Terry Fitch
Manager, Gas Operations

Newark, New Jersey
November 7, 2000
Charlotte, North Carolina
November 8, 2000

9:00 a.m. Introduction
I. System Overview -- Operational and Storage Update
II. Construction and Maintenance -- 2000 Review and 2001 Preview
III. Project Updates
IV. Customer Survey and Regulatory Overview
V. 1Line -- Process changes requiring tariff modifications
Lunch 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
VI. Service Delivery -- Continuation of process change discussion
VII. EDI X-12 and Flat File Data Set Structure and Layout

Houston, Texas
November 13, 2000

12:30 p.m. Introduction
I. 1Line -- Process changes requiring tariff modifications
Breakout session to begin at approximately 2:00 p.m. -- EDI X-12 and Flat
File Data Set Structure and layout (to run coincident with the remainder of
the Winter Operations program).
II Gas Control Introduction
III System Overview -- Operational and Storage Update
IV Construction and Maintenance -- 2000 Review and 2001 Preview
V Project Updates
VI Customer Survey and Regulatory Overview

If you plan to attend only a portion of the program, please plan to arrive
minutes before the scheduled time identified above, as the break times are

WGP - Transco 2000 Winter Operations Meeting

Fax RSVP Form

NO __________ My company will not be able to attend.

YES _________ Number in party for Newark (11/7/00) __________

Number in party for Charlotte (11/8/00)

Number in party for Houston (11/13/00)

Your company name and address:





Representatives attending:

Name and title
Meeting Lunch

_____________________________________________________ _______

_____________________________________________________ _______

_____________________________________________________ _______

_____________________________________________________ _______

_____________________________________________________ _______

_____________________________________________________ _______

_____________________________________________________ _______

Please return this form to: Rosina Freeman
WGP - Transco
FAX: 713-215-2547

--------------------------ADDITIONAL X12 INFORMATION------------------------
Notice Identifier: L0010121
Critical Notice: Yes
Type of Notice: 7-Press Release, Company News or Phone List
Required Response: 5-No Response Required
Resp By Date/Time: N/A
Notice Eff Date/Time: 10/12/00 14:50:35
Notice End Date/Time: N/A
Status: 1-Initiate
Prior Notice Ident.: N/A