Enron Mail

To:jim.homco@enron.com, jason.crawford@enron.com
Subject:Transco - System Imbalance Notice
Date:Thu, 21 Dec 2000 05:14:00 -0800 (PST)

This is the first notice from Transco regarding imbalances. Transco has not
changed their IT notices since the 6th, when they closed down St 90.
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 01:12
PM ---------------------------

"CustomerNotices, WGPHOU" <WGPHOU.CustomerNotices@Williams.com< on 12/21/2000
12:56:04 PM
Subject: Transco - System Imbalance Notice

Media Inquiries: Chris Stockton
(713) 215-2010
Other Inquiries: Terry Fitch (713-215-3361) or John McGrath
(713-215-2514)December 21, 2000

To: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation Customers and Shippers

Re: System Imbalance Notice

Please be advised that Transco has been experiencing excessive negative
transportation imbalances (deliveries in excess of receipts) on its
system over the past several days. As of December 21, 2000, Shippers
are advised to avoid any additional negative imbalances as soon as

Additionally, until further notice, Transco will institute more
restrictive practices at its pooling points. Transco will reduce the 4%
tolerance currently allowed at its pooling points to 1% or 1,000 dts for
Shippers with negatively scheduled imbalances (i.e. deliveries into the
pools are less than receipts away from the pools). Shippers with
positively scheduled imbalances at their pools will continue to be held
to the 4% tolerance levels. Transco will not enforce these pool
imbalance tolerances during the timely nomination cycle; however,
Shippers are expected to balance their pools to the limits identified
above by the ID2 nomination cycle. Transco may proactively decrease
markets to bring them in line with supplies at pooling points.

Absent voluntary compliance with this notice, Transco may be required to
use any remedies available, up to and including reliance upon Section 52
of the General Terms and Conditions of Transco's FERC Gas Tariff, to
ensure it retains the appropriate level of operational flexibility.

If you have any questions, please call Terry Fitch at (713) 215-3361 or
John McGrath at (713) 215-2514.

Terry C. Fitch
Gas Operations

--------------------------ADDITIONAL X12 INFORMATION------------------------
Notice Identifier: L0012213
Critical Notice: Yes
Type of Notice: 6-Other
Required Response: 5-No Response Required
Resp By Date/Time: N/A
Notice Eff Date/Time: 12/21/00 12:52:26
Notice End Date/Time: N/A
Status: 1-Initiate
Prior Notice Ident.: N/A