Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Termination / Release letters for Producers on Dominion
Date:Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:21:18 -0800 (PST)

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X-To: Price, Wade R. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Wprice<
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-----Original Message-----
From: Price, Wade R.
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 3:14 PM
To: Germany, Chris
Cc: Shemin Proctor (E-mail); Dhont, Margaret
Subject: RE: Termination / Release letters for Producers on Dominion Transmission

I don't have any letters that the producers have sent to Dominion, but I do have copies of termination letters and release letters they sent to us. I can fax you some samples - what is your fax number?

At Dominion, I talked to Dan Baney, who knew only that they were requiring releases per their legal department.
Dennis Bond is a more knowledgeable person at Dominion at 304-627-3566.
Their attorney handling this matter is Bill Savier at 304-627-3340.

-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:53 PM
To: Price, Wade R.
Cc: Shemin Proctor (E-mail)
Subject: FW: Termination / Release letters for Producers on Dominion Transmission

Wade, 2 things, do you have any of the letters that the producers sent to Dominion, I would like one of those AND who are you talking to at Dominion?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mann, Kay
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 5:43 PM
To: Price, Wade R.
Cc: Dhont, Margaret; Hall, Bob M.; Dickson, Stacy E.; Richardson, Stacey; Germany, Chris; Kelly, Katherine L.; sproctor@akllp.com; Bruck, Sarah
Subject: RE: Termination / Release letters for Producers on Dominion Transmission

Shemin Proctor (an outside lawyer who is helping with gas contracts) will be looking in to this. Sarah Bruck (Enron Legal Specialist) may have some documentation questions.



-----Original Message-----
From: Price, Wade R.
Sent: Tue 2/19/2002 2:23 PM
To: Mann, Kay
Cc: Dhont, Margaret; Hall, Bob M.; Dickson, Stacy E.; Richardson, Stacey; Germany, Chris; Kelly, Katherine L.
Subject: Termination / Release letters for Producers on Dominion Transmission

Kay - Thanks for your attention and assistance in this matter.

Several gas producers are flowing gas through Dominion Transmission pipeline to Enron's pool. They have terminated their contracts with Enron, or have sent documents to us to terminate their contracts with Enron. They are calling now requesting letters confirming termination of their contracts and/or letters releasing their gas on Dominion Transmission's pipe from Enron's pool in order to satisfy Dominion Transmission's requirement for proof of termination and/or release of gas back to the producers. Dominion Transmission is holding these producers' gas and is not letting the producers sell their gas to other buyers.

I have been trying for the last three weeks to discover the route these requests need to pass through in order to get the aforementioned termination and release notices. I have met with little success and fewer answers. Prior to my being involved, Nelson Ferries had forwarded a few requests through Contracts and Legal and had Fred Lagrasta sign off on them. I also talked to several people last week in Contracts and Legal asking for help, but a process does not seem to be in place.

Please advise as to how quickly we can act on these requests. Producers are fearful of not being able to sell their January 2002 gas (ie. not getting paid) and are facing severe financial hardships. Please advise as to what I can provide or help out with this process.

A list of producers is provided below. I am sure more producers will call.

Thanks WRP

The following producers have been calling requested such letters:
Master Log
Producers Contract Contact Phone Status Comments

Seneca Gas Ltd. 96096115 John Seffe 818-884-2447 No Document Sent termination notice to Fred LaGrasta 2/11/02.

Needs release letter for Dominion.

Triad Energy of W Va 96002218 Kin Arnold 740-374-2940 Terminated 12/31/01 Needs release letter for Dominion.

Pacific Atlantice Resc 96002421 Harry Slack 304-782-1911 Letter To Term 11/05/01 New letter 2/15/02. Needs release letter for Dominion.

Eff 12/31/01

Megan Oil & Gas 96029639 Roy Hildreth 304-927-2130 Ternminated 1/31/02 Needs release letter for Dominion.

Pentex Energy Inc 96030056 Cheryl Graff 724-349-0600 Terminated 12/31/01 Needs release letter for Dominion.


Virco Inc EES Customer Thomas Palmer 740-373-8385 Letter to Term 11/28/01 Was Sent to Jim Javins in Ohio, forwarded to me,

Eff 1/1/02 forwarded to Credit War Room. Needs release letter for Dominion.