Enron Mail

Subject:RE: WCG bankruptcy -- disappointing, but very little effect on Williams
Date:Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:10:42 -0700 (PDT)

you know the talking part is hard because its so quiet here and i know some people just listen to other folks conversation to see whats going on. it makes it a little harder to chat and I'm kinda self conscious about it. i don't know why it seems so awkward here and not in the other building.

oh well, YOU ARE MY HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Immer, Ingrid" <Ingrid.Immer@Williams.com<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:40 AM
To: Germany, Chris
Subject: FW: WCG bankruptcy -- disappointing, but very little effect on Wi lliams
Importance: High

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Malcolm, Steve
< Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 9:10 PM
< To: Williams - (Global)
< Subject: WCG bankruptcy -- disappointing, but very little effect on
< Williams
< Importance: High
< Dear fellow Williams employees:
< One day shy of a year ago, Williams successfully completed the spinoff of
< Williams Communications. It was a long and challenging process with one
< very important goal: To create two healthy companies better positioned to
< grow.
< We've learned this evening that WCG has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
< Although filing for bankruptcy is far from the beginning of an end, this
< is disappointing * as we all hoped for WCG to succeed financially on its
< own. The implosion of the entire telecom industry has made that financial
< success elusive, at least in the near term, for WCG and others.
< So, what exactly does WCG's bankruptcy mean to Williams? And more
< importantly, what does it mean to you? WCG's bankruptcy will have very
< little effect on our company. Actually, I see it as a "non-event" with
< respect to Williams, and so should you. We have anticipated this event and
< worked diligently to minimize the impact.
< As I previously communicated to you, we have already constructively dealt
< with the two major contingent liabilities related to Williams
< Communications. In other words, we've already written down the receivable
< from WCG to approximately 20 cents on the dollar related to the
< obligations referenced above. We are assessing whether additional non-cash
< write-downs will be necessary based on our evaluation of WCG's current
< prospects and the details of today's filing.
< Currently, the recorded carrying value of these WCG obligations to
< Williams is approximately $455 million (written down from $2.3 billion).
< Additionally, WCG has an obligation to Williams for the lease of its
< headquarters building and certain other assets such as airplanes,
< furniture and fixtures. Williams' current carrying amount of this
< receivable is $154 million.
< Since most of us are WCG shareholders, I realize you have a personal
< interest in this turn of events. If you own stock in WCG, you need to
< speak to WCG and/or your financial adviser with respect to what actions
< you should take with the stock.
< We continue to wish the best for WCG and its employees as the company
< strives to reorganize and emerge from bankruptcy. Its business is an
< important part of our history and many of the people are former co-workers
< from whom we learned a great deal. Your focus, however, should remain on
< Williams and our bright future ahead.
< Steve Malcolm
< President and Chief Executive Officer