Enron Mail |
The map listed in the blow message is NOT the
first pass of CSC ZONES. It IS the study regions and associated numbers we used in our anaysis. You will need this map to help use the other files. CSC Zones will be developed with stackholder input and calcualtion of shift factors. Sorry for the miscommunication. Thanks Ken D. -----Original Message----- From: Conto, Jose To: 1 Retail Users Group Ad Hoc Subcommittee; 1 2001 TAC and others; 1 ESC; 1 RSS; 1 TMOS Cc: 1 ERCOT Managers; 1 ERCOT Directors; 1 System Planning Sent: 1/26/01 5:37 PM Subject: Additional CSC Data Additional CSC data has been posted in the Internet at the following address: ftp://ftp.ercot.com/CSCDATA/csc.htm Data from CSC2001Analysis.xls (in CSC2001Analysis.zip) has been further sorted out via text conversion, Access database and then exported into Excel format. The following files have been added: CSC_FirstPass_Map.ppt (Powerpoint) : Map of ERCOT showing the "first pass" CSC zones LimitingElementsRanking.xls (Excel) : Frequency count of a limiting element occurrence LimitingElementsWithConting.xls (Excel) : List of limiting elements with their related contingencies Conting_ with_limiting_elements.xls (Excel) : List of Contingencies with their related limiting elements All comments related to CSC issues: csccomments@ercot.com Jos, Conto Consultant, System Planning Electric Reliability Council Of Texas 2705 West Lake Dr. Taylor, TX 76574-2136 (512)248-3141, FAX(512)248-3082