Enron Mail

To:james.steffes@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com
Subject:Tabors visit to ERCOT
Cc:jean.ryall@enron.com, ron.mcnamara@enron.com, bruce.sukaly@enron.com,kevin.presto@enron.com
Bcc:jean.ryall@enron.com, ron.mcnamara@enron.com, bruce.sukaly@enron.com,kevin.presto@enron.com
Date:Thu, 8 Feb 2001 04:39:00 -0800 (PST)


I have just reviewed Tabors' proposal for a hybrid solution to RTOs and I do
not feel that, at this point in time, this does the ERCOT desk any good
whatsoever. It is simply a continuation of what the PUC has already seen from
his counterpart, Dr Oren, and does not meet my expectations for a feasible
market. I have not been impressed with Tabors understanding of our trading
business and do not feel that this latest model forwards our efforts at all.

The purpose of the meeting on the 15th is to review the real-time congestion
management mechanisms currently proposed and not a forward hybrid market. If
we have two associates who are saying the same thing we do not achieve our
goal of changing this situation. Furthermore, it simply means we end up
signing on to a flawed market design which, I am sure, is not in anyone's
best interest; commercially or politically! We have not been implicated in
the failings of California's design because we did not sign up to the initial
proposal there. It would be very foolish to sign up now to an equally flawed

I would like to have a quick meeting to discuss this so that we can forge
ahead with the ERCOT gameplan. I will not accept a bastardised version of the
current proposals as a solution for this market. It does not allow either EES
or ENA to operate productively and will ultimately fail. I am confident we
can get over any hesitations we have using other market experts to present
the case and I know that there has been great interest in this. This should
also fit in well with the efforts being led by Jeff Brown on the RTO side and
is consistent with our discussions Tuesday.

I trust you will be able to accommodate us with a request to hammer this out.
The business opportunities far outweigh the 'issues' we have with ditching
Tabors' model in this market. We believe that having Hogan present at the PUC
will undoubtedly forward our various causes in a much more effective manner.
Furthermore, his cache with the utility crowd is an important consideration
in getting them to understand our business and transact with us.

I look forward to hearing from you and trust we can get this resolved today
so we can get back to business.

